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Maria Esmar is a Romanian artist based in the United Kingdom, born on March 26, 1989

Maria takes inspiration from artists such as Edward Munch, Egon Schiele, and Wassily Kandinsky but ads a soft touch to her art and brings it towards a contemporary style with tonnes of pastel and different layers of colour.

She is also a business-minded artist, as she established her own company in Romania, Esmar Design, which took her painting a step further; bringing it towards product design. Esmar Design produces and sells bespoke leather bags and accessories, that have found a home in a different part of the world such as the United States, Australia, Canada and Europe.

As a painter, Maria uses techniques similar to those of the American artist Jackson Pollock: pouring, dripping, layering and combines these with the knife and strong brush strokes that give a strong character to her artwork. She likes to express her creativity on large canvases and manages to adapt them to environments that range from designer living rooms to office spaces.