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User:Marqaz/List of gases

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This table provides a list of gases at room temperature (defined as 25° C, in line with SATP). Note that a number of substances which may be thought of as gases are in fact volatile liquids, including many anesthetic gases, chemical warfare agents and air pollutants. Inclusion in the list is necessary subjective, but the list includes most important natural, biological and industrial gases. Not included are chemically unstable gases found only in the laboratory, unless particularly notable. Also omitted are numerous partially halogenated gases (e.g. fluoroborane, trifluoroethane) unless of industrial or other significance.

The comments column

  • GHG: Greenhouse Gas
  • ODP: Ozone Depleting Chemical
  • Toxic
Formula Name (IUPAC name) [other name] Class Molecular Weight Boiling Point Critical Point comments
H2 Hydrogen Element 2.02 -252.9 32.9 Commonest element in universe
N2 Nitrogen Element 28.01 -195.8 126.2 Major component of air
O2 Oxygen Element 32.00 -183.0 154.6 Component of air
O3 Ozone Element 48.00 -112 # Toxic, oxidizer, pollutant
F2 Fluorine Element 38.00 -188.1 144.4 Toxic
Cl2 Chlorine Element 70.90 -34.0 416.9 Toxic
He Helium Element 4.00 -268.9 5.2 Noble gas
Ne Neon Element 20.18 -246.0 44.5 Noble gas
Ar Argon Element 39.95 -189.3 150.7 Noble gas, 3rd component of air
Kr Krypton Element 83.80 -153.4 209.5 Noble gas
Xe Xenon Element 131.29 -108.1 289.7 Noble gas, anesthetic
Rn Radon Element 222.00 -61.7 377.0 Noble gas, radioactive: half life 3.8 days
CH4 Methane Hydrocarbon 16.04 -161 190.9 GHG
C2H6 Ethane Hydrocarbon 30.07 -89 305.3
C2H4 Ethylene (Ethene) Hydrocarbon 28.05 -103.7 282.5
C2H2 Acetylene (Ethyne) Hydrocarbon 26.04 -84 # Unstable
C3H8 Propane Hydrocarbon 44.10 -42 369.522
C3H6 Propylene (Propene) Hydrocarbon 42.08 -47.6 #
C3H4 Methylacetylene (Propyne) Hydrocarbon 40.07 -23.2 #
C3H5 Propadiene Hydrocarbon 40.07 -34 #
C4H10 Butane Hydrocarbon 58.12 -1 425.1
C4H10 Isobutane (methylpropane) Hydrocarbon 58.12 -11 407.7
C4H8 Butene Hydrocarbon 56.11 -6.47 #
C4H8 Isobutylene (methylpropene) Hydrocarbon 56.11 -6.9 #
C4H6 Butadiene Hydrocarbon 54.09 -4.4 425
C5H10 Neopentane (dimethylpropane) Hydrocarbon 72.15 9 #
CH2O Formaldehyde (methanal) Other carbon 30.03 -19 #
C2H4O Acetaldehyde (ethanal) Other carbon 44.05 20.2 466
C2H4O Ethylene oxide (oxirane) Other carbon 44.05 10.7 #
CH3OCH3 Dimethyl ether {DME} (methoxymethane) Other carbon 46.07 -24 #
C2H5OCH3 Methoxyethane (ethyl methyl ether) Other carbon 60.10 7.4 # ???
CH3NH2 Methylamine Other carbon 31.06 -6.3
C2H5NH2 Ethylamine Other carbon 45.08 18
(CH3)3N Dimethylamine Other carbon 45.08 8
(CH3)2NH Trimethylamine Other carbon 59.11 5
CH3F Fluoromethane Halocarbon 34.03 -78.2 318.1 CHG
CH3Cl Chloromethane Halocarbon 50.49 -23.8
CH3Br Bromomethane [Methyl bromide] Halocarbon 94.94 3.5 ODP, toxic
CH2F2 Difluoromethane Halocarbon 52.02 -52 351 CHG
CHF3 Fluoroform, HFC-23 (Trifluoromethane) Halocarbon 70.01 -82.1 CHG
CH2ClF Chlorofluoromethane [HCFC-31] Halocarbon 68.48 -9.1 ODP, CHG
CHClF2 HCFC-22 (Chlorodifluoromethane) Halocarbon 86.47 -40.8 ODP, CHG
CHCl2F HCFC-21 (Dichlorofluoromethane) Halocarbon 102.92 8.9 ODP, CHG
CF4 Tetrafluoromethane Halocarbon 88.00 -127.8 CHG
CClF3 CFC-13 (Chlorotrifluoromethane) Halocarbon 104.46 -81.5 ODP, CHG
CCl2F2 CFC-12 (Dichlorodifluoromethane) Halocarbon 120.91 -29.8 ODP, CHG
CCl3F Trichlorofluoromethane[CFC-11] Halocarbon 137.36 23.77
C2F6 Perfluoroethane (hexafluoroethane) Halocarbon 138.01 -78.2 293 GHG
C2H5Cl Chloroethane Halocarbon 64.51 12.3
C2H3Cl Vinyl chloride (chloroethene) Halocarbon 62.50 -13.4 PVC precursor, toxic, pollutant
ClF2C-CClF2 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane [CFC-114] Halocarbon 170.92 3.8 145.6 ODP, CHG
C2ClF5 Chloropentafluoroethane [CFC-115] Halocarbon 154.47 -38 ODP, CHG
CHFClCF3 HCFC-124 (2-Chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) Halocarbon 136.48 -12 ODP, CHG
CF2Cl-CH3 HCFC-142b (1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane) Halocarbon 100.5 -9.2 ODP, CHG
C3F8 Octafluoropropane Halocarbon 188.02 -36.7 345.05
C4F10 Perfluorobutane (Decafluorobutane) Halocarbon 238.03 -1.7
C4F8 Perfluoroisobutene (1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)prop-1-ene) Halocarbon 200.03 7 Toxic4
C2HF5 Pentafluoroethane [HFC-125] Halocarbon 120.02 -48.5
C2ClF3O Trifluoroacetyl chloride Other carbon 132.47 -27 Toxic
CH3SH Methanethiol Other carbon 48.11 5.95
C2HF4OCHF2 Desflurane (2-(difluoromethoxy)-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-ethane) Other carbon 168.038 23.5 Anesthetic
CO Carbon monoxide Oxide 28.01 -191.5 132.7 Toxic, Pollutant
CO2 Carbon dioxide Oxide 44.01 -57 304.19 CHG
C2N2 Cyanogen Other carbon 52.03 -21 Toxic
CNCl Cyanogen chloride Other carbon 61.47 13 Toxic
COS Carbonyl sulphide (Carbon oxide sulfide) Other carbon 60.08 -50.2
COF2 Carbonyl difluoride {Fluorophosgene} Other carbon 66.01 -84.57 Toxic4
COCl2 Phosgene (Carbonyl dichloride) Other carbon 98.92 8.3 Toxic4
B2H6 Diborane Hydride 27.67 -92.5 Toxic
BF3 Boron trifluoride Halide 67.82 -100.3 -12.3 C Toxic
BCl3 Boron trichloride Halide 117.17 12.6 Toxic
NO Nitric oxide Oxide 30.01 -152 #
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide Oxide 46.01 21.2 # Toxic, Pollutant
N2O Nitrous oxide Oxide 44.01 -88.48 309.6 anesthetic (laughing gas), greenhouse Gas
NH3 Ammonia Hydride 17.03 -33.34 405.6 Toxic, natural, MIG
NF3 Nitrogen trifluoride Halide 71.00 -129.1 CHG
OF2 Oxygen difluoride Oxyhalide 54.00 -144.75 Toxic+, ozidizer
HF Hydrogen fluoride Halide 20.01 19.5 Toxic+
SiH4 Silane Hydride 32.12 -112
Si2H6 Disilane Hydride 62.22 -14
SiF4 Silicon tetrafluoride Halide 104.08 -86 Toxic
SiH2Cl2 Dichlorosilane Halide 101.01 8 Toxic+
PH3 Phosphine Hydride 34.00 -87.7 Toxic+
PF3 Phosphorus trifluoride Halide 87.97 -101.8 Toxic
SH2 Hydrogen sulfide Hydride 34.08 -60 Toxic+
SO2 Sulphur dioxide Oxide 64.07 -10 Toxic
SF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride Halide 108.07 -38 Toxic
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride Halide 146.06 -64
SO2F2 Sulfuryl fluoride Oxyhalide 102.06 -55.4 Toxic (3), fumigant
HCl Hydrogen chloride Halide 36.46 -85.05 Toxic
ClO2 Chlorine dioxide Oxide 67.45 11 Toxic (3), oxidizer
Cl2O Dichlorine monoxide Oxide 86.91 2 Toxic (3), oxidizer
FClO3 Perchloryl fluoride Oxyhalide 102.45 -46.7 Toxic (3), oxidizer
GeH4 Germane Hydride 76.62 -88 Toxic+
SbH3 Stibine Hydride 124.78 -17 Toxic+, unstable
AsH3 Arsine Hydride 77.95 -62.5 Toxic+
AsF5 Arsenic pentafluoride Halide 169.91 -52.8 Toxic+
H2Se Hydrogen selenide Hydride 80.98 -41.25 Toxic+
SeF6 Selenium hexafluoride Halide 192.95 -46.6 Toxic (3)
HBr Hydrogen bromide Halide 80.91 -66.8 Toxic
HI Hydrogen iodide Halide 127.90 -35.36 Toxic
TeF6 Tellurium hexafluoride Halide 241.59 -37.6 Toxic+
WF6 Tungsten hexafluoride Halide 297.83 17.1 Heaviest gas, toxic

