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User:Martin niemiec/sandbox

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So, we're going to make our own article, because the other page we found was really more for a specific international set of agreements. We're all thinking of different things to add to our new Water Justice article, and I'm going to write about the legal precedent. Some of the cases referenced in the article we were initially looking at could be recontextualized as a subset of our page, for instance http://www.un.org/es/comun/docs/?symbol=A/RES/64/292&lang=E.

Lead Idea For Water Justice


Water Justice is a subset of the Environmental Justice concept dealing specifically with the fair access to and apportioning of clean water for use in drinking, cooking, and other purposes. Water Justice deals with such issues as scarcity, pollution, and abuse or exploitation of water resources as they relate to human rights and justice. The concept has gained traction as a social movement in the U.S. with the water quality issues occurring in Flint, Michigan, since April 2014.