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I'm Muhammad, asharatul-mubashshirūne bil Jannah my wikipedia IL-Hamdu-Allah have peaceful breakfast friend. Fursa Sa'eeda, Tisbahi ala Kheer.

this house where i lived from 2003-2009.
Assalamu Aleikom, this portrait of me sitting in Mecca.
the map of Mecca..
a fish, <*>< (Lampanyctodes hectoris) i eat.
this has left very little 'secular' culture in place, and the spiritual understanding has became the object of ascentic displine and the summit of his spiritual progress.

About myself[edit]

My interests is deeply grounded in the Inferential statistics, particularly in the fileds of:

  • Type II Error in Islamic distribution.
  • Anti-corruption Theorem involving multi-variables.

"As we bring this chapter to a close, [let us] take a moment or two to reflect again on what we've covered." [1]

  1. ^ unplugged statistics by sally c. published in Australia (2010) by Wadsworth Cengage Learning. page 172.
  • I also enjoy the computer programme.


  • Game.
  • القرآن.

Photo Galleries[edit]