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The game

Episode Titles [1] Air Date Challenges Kidnapped Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
A Chicken's a Little Bit Smarter 2007-09-20 None 1 Fei Long None 1 Chicken 5-2-1 1st Voted Out
Day 3
My Mom Is Going to Kill Me! 2007-09-27 Fei Long Fei Long Jaime Ashley 6-1 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder 2007-10-04 Zhan Hu Zhan Hu Leslie Leslie 6-2 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
Ride the Workhorse Till the Tail Falls Off 2007-10-11 Fei Long Fei Long Dave Dave 5-1 4th Voted Out
Day 12
Love Is In the Air 2007-10-18 None 2 Fei Long None 2 Aaron 3-1-1 5th Voted Out
Day 15
That's Love, Baby! It Makes You Strong! 2007-10-25 Fei Long Zhan Hu James Sherea 5-2 6th Voted Out
Day 18
I'm Not As Dumb As I Look 2007-11-01 None 3 Frosti None 4 Jaime 7-3 7th Voted Out
Day 21
High School Friend Contest 2007-11-08 Amanda, James,
Jean-Robert, Todd
Courtney Jean-Robert 5-3-1 8th Voted Out
Day 24
Just Don't Eat the Apple 2007-11-15 Amanda, Courtney,
Erik, Frosti
Peih-Gee Frosti 7-1 9th Voted Out
Day 27
It’s Been Real and It’s Been Fun 2007-11-22 Recap Episode
Ready to Bite the Apple 2007-11-29 Peih-Gee
[Denise, Erik]
Erik None 4 James 5-1-1 10th Voted Out
Day 30
Going for the Oscar 2007-12-06 Denise
[Amanda, Todd]
Peih-Gee Erik 4-2 11th Voted Out
Day 33
Hello, I'm Still a Person 2007-12-13 Denise
[Courtney, Todd]
Amanda Peih-Gee 4-1 12th Voted Out
Day 36
A Slippery Little Sucker 2007-12-16 Amanda
Amanda Denise 3-1 13th Voted Out
Day 38
Reunion 2007-12-16 Jury Vote Amanda 4-2-1 2nd Runner-Up
Courtney 1st Runner-Up
Todd Sole Survivor
In the case of multiple tribes or people who win reward or immunity, they are listed in order of finish, or alphabetically where it was a team effort; where one player won and invited others, the invitees are in brackets.

^1 There was no Reward Challenge and the kidnapping rule was not yet known to the castaways.

^2 There was no Reward Challenge because of the tribal switch, therefore nobody was kidnapped.

^3 There was no Reward Challenge due to the tribal merge.

^4 The kidnapping rule was no longer applicable after the tribal merge, as there was only one tribe.

Episode 1: A Chicken's a Little Bit Smarter


The castaways began in downtown Shanghai, China and traveled by train and truck to a Buddhist Temple where they participated in a welcoming ceremony. Even though Jeff stated that the ceremony was not religious, Leslie left before the ceremony was done due to her religious beliefs. After the ceremony, Jeff announced to the castaways that they would be going into the game with only the clothes that they were wearing at the time. The castaways were then divided into two tribes, each tribe receiving a copy of Sun Tzu's The Art of War. After a stormy night at Zhan Hu, Ashley got sick and became a target for being a weak link. Fei Long won the first Immunity Challenge and a flint for fire. At Tribal Council, Chicken was seen as not fitting in, Ashley being a weak link for getting sick, and Peih-Gee as being bossy. Chicken was not able to convince the others to keep him in the tribe and he was voted out 5-2-1. After Chicken left, Probst presented the tribe with a flint.

  • Reward/Immunity Challenge: Each team is to maneuver a chinese dragon puppet, held on poles individually by each team member, through a maze, with the lead runner for each team having to open some obstacles along the way. At the end of the course, the team members are to match their poles with correct spots in the ground. The winning team is the first to complete this task.
  • Reward: The winner team will receive flint to make fire.

Episode 2: My Mom Is Going to Kill Me!


Dave tried to take a leadership role at Zhan Hu, but his tribemates resisted him for being too bossy and not listening to their ideas. At Fei Long, Amanda and Todd formed an alliance and pulled in Aaron to be "someone strong to call the shots" to deflect any anger about their plotting during the game. Jean-Robert became a target due to his laziness, but he revealed in a confessional video that this perception was part of his plan for the game. Probst revealed at the Reward Challenge that in addition to the reward, the winning team would be able to kidnap one player from the other tribe up until the next immunity challenge; furthermore, this player would be given special instructions they could only read once at the other tribe's camp; ultimately, it revealed that the kidnapped person must give a sealed tube to a member of the other tribe that contained clues to the hidden immunity idol at their camp. Fei Long opted to kidnip Jamie as she was seen as a "spot of sunshine" and thought her being gone from Zhan Hu would be demoralizing. Jaime gave the sealed clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol at Fei Long to Leslie, seeing her as the weakest member of Fei Long. Leslie then shared the clue with Todd thinking that he would trust her and keep her around, but he saw this an opportunity to have the clue to himself if she were to be eliminated. Dave took full responsibility for Zhan Hu's immunity challenge loss, but the tribe saw Ashley as causing too much conflict with Dave and not being a hard enough worker causing her to be voted out 6-1.

  • Reward Challenge: In a series of 3-on-3 matches, each team has to push their large ball across a muddy field into their opponents' goal, while preventing the opponents from doing the same. The first team to score 2 goals wins the reward.
  • Reward: Fishing gear, fishing boat
  • Immunity Challenge: Each team uses a battering ram to break through two sets of gates; then, they must turn, pull and push the battering ram to navigate a maze that is worked into the surface of the battering ram. Once the ram is cleared from the maze station, the team to hit a gong at the end of the course wins immunity.

Episode 3: I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder


At Fei Long, the tribe had conflicts over sleeping conditions and what to do with a crab they had caught. Dave continued to work hard at Zhan Hu but also continued to irritate his tribemates for his bossy manner. At Fei Long, Courtney and Todd overheard Jean-Robert and James strategizing and making crude comments about Courtney. After winning their first challenge, Zhan Hu chose to kidnap Leslie from Fei Long seeing her as "genuine". Leslie gave the sealed clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol at Zhan Hu to Jaime, repaying the favor from the prior episode. Leslie was seen as untrustworthy due to her potential ties to the other tribe after being kidnapped, and she was voted out 6-2.

  • Reward Challenge: In a series of 3-on-3 matches (separated by gender) taking place on a floating platform, each team must attempt to wrestle each member of the other team into the water; the first team to do so wins that match. The game is played best 3 out of 5 matches.
  • Reward: A kerosene lamp, rope, blankets, pillows, and a tarp
  • Immunity Challenge: Four members of each tribe, sequentially, must use a machete to chop through wooden beams and ropes to release a set of puzzle disks. Once all four sets of puzzle disks are collected for the tribe, two other members must assemble the disks onto a large post. Once all disks are on the post, the two puzzle solves must then drag it across the finish line to win.

Episode 4: Ride the Workhorse Till the Tail Falls Off


Frosti spoke to Dave privately and tried to warn him that he was causing too much conflict around camp after he clashed with Sherea. Jean-Robert surprised his tribe by revealing that he spoke Mandarin, which he learned as a child while spending a few years in Taiwan and, during the visit by a local fisherman and his family as part of the Reward, was able to serve as a translator between the fisherman's family and the other contestants. Dave was kidnapped by Fei Long and chose to give the Hidden Immunity Idol clue to Todd after Todd agreed to return the favor should he be kidnapped. Fei Long won the Immunity Challenge where the castaways used meteor hammers to smash pots. After returning to camp, Dave noticed that his tribe's attitude toward him had changed and tried to convince his tribemates that his attitude had changed. Sherea overheard Erik, Frosti, Jaime, and Peih-Gee discussing her lack of work and realized that she was in danger of being voted out. Ultimately, the four other members of Zhan Hu decided that Dave's bossy attitude was too much, and he was voted out 5-1.

  • Reward Challenge: Two members of each team, at a time, must use large a pair of large chopsticks to carry a burning metal ball across the length of the course and then to place it onto a chute, where it will roll down and light off fireworks. The first team to successfully transport 3 balls in this way wins Reward
  • Reward: A visit by a local fisherman and his family who will teach the tribe how to fish, and will bring additional food.
  • Immunity Challenge: Teams are dressed in mock Chinese armor for the challenge. Two members of each team, at a time, attempt to use meteor hammers to break several pots arranged behind the opposing team while defending the opponents from breaking their own using large staves to block the hammers. The team that breaks the most pots after 3 rounds receives immunity.

Episode 5: Love Is In the Air


Erik and Jaime's relationship grew, and Jaime shared the clues she had about the Hidden Immunity Idol with him. Instead of a Reward Challenge, local fishermen dropped off messages instructing each tribe to select the two strongest members from the other tribe to be added to their own; Fei Long selected Frosti and Sherea while Zhan Hu selected Aaron and James. Along with their new tribe members, each tribe received a basket of fruits, nuts, and wine. The tribal switch caused a lot of plotting of potential future moves by the castaways: Jean-Robert trying to regain the trust of his tribe; Frosti looking for new alliances; and Peih-Gee and Jaime contemplating throwing the next two Immunity Challenges in order to eliminate Aaron and James, thus balancing the number of original tribe members should a merge happen with ten players remaining. At the Immunity Challenge, Jaime and Peih-Gee sabotaged their tribe's chances by tossing a puzzle piece out of view and making minimal effort to solve the puzzle. Aaron and James were upset at Jaime and Peih-Gee's poor performance and seeming lack of concern during the challenge. Back at camp, Erik was surprised to learn that the girls purposely threw the challenge and felt compelled to go along with their plan to stay in the game. At Tribal Council, Jaime admitted to throwing the challenge, prompting disgust from both Aaron and James. Although James was much more vocal in condemning the strategy, even asking to be sent home, Aaron was voted out 3-1-1.

  • Immunity Challenge: Two members of each tribe must dive down from a floating platform to remove sticks that are trapping twelve buoyant puzzle pieces, representing animals in the Chinese Zodiac. Once the members have collected all twelve, they must row to shore to deliver the pieces to three other members of their tribe, who must then place them to match notches on a puzzle board. The first tribe to complete the puzzle wins Immunity.

Episode 6: That's Love, Baby! It Makes You Strong!


Todd teamed up with Amanda to find the Hidden Immunity Idol, sharing his knowledge of the clues with her. During the Reward Challenge, Peih-Gee tried to relay a message to Sherea about the strategy she and Jaime had devised, but when Sherea and Frosti were non-communicative, Peih-Gee, Jaime, and Erik began to doubt their plans. Fei Long won the reward challenge and kidnapped their former tribemate James. Todd convinced James to give him the Hidden Immunity Idol clue with a promise to save James in return. With the clue, Amanda and Todd discovered the location of the Hidden Immunity Idol attached to the paifang at the camp's entrance. They attempted to retrieve it discreetly by pretending their main objective was dismantling the paifang, but were forced to reveal the idol to Frosti after he innocently came over to help them. Todd then gave the idol to James and told him how to find the idol at the Zhan Hu camp. Todd also told Denise and Courtney about the Hidden Immunity Idol and his plan for Fei Long to win the next Immunity Challenge. James would then reveal the Hidden Immunity Idol at Tribal Council, thus negating all votes against him, and eliminating Jaime. Despite the best efforts by the Fei Long tribe to win and James to help throw the food eating Immunity Challenge, Zhan Hu won immunity forcing Fei Long to vote someone out. The alliance of Todd, Amanda, Denise, and Courtney agreed that they could trust Frosti and would vote out Sherea. After thinking more about it, Courtney tried to convince them to vote out Jean-Robert due to her dislike of him. Todd and Amanda were torn on whom to trust, but they stuck to their original plan after a tense Tribal Council, and Sherea was voted out 5-2.

  • Reward Challenge: One member of each tribe at a time will search an abandoned Chinese village for colored planks containing letters on them. When all the planks are collected, the tribe must arrange the planks into a large board where other letters are already written and masking some letters on the planks to complete a proverb. The first tribe to complete this wins Reward.
  • Reward: A trip to a nearby tea house to bath, eat, and relax.
  • Immunity Challenge: Tribes are challenged to eat "traditional" Chinese dishes such as chicken hearts, eel, and baby turtle (still with their shell) in a series of 1-on-1 matches. The first team to win four matches wins Elimination.

Episode 7: I'm Not As Dumb As I Look


James retrieved the Hidden Immunity Idol from the Zhan Hu paifang. The other members of Zhan Hu noticed that the paifang was different, prompting them to pick up a false plaque James removed from the other side of the paifang. Later, Jaime searched James' bag and discovered he had two plaques hidden in his pants. She did not actually see the plaques, and thus did not realize the plaque she had was a false Idol. Courtney continued her push to get Jean-Robert voted out, irritating Todd who felt the need to keep Jean-Robert to maintain Fei Long's majority. On day 20, the tribes were merged, after which they enjoyed a feast of food and alcohol, while being entertained by Chinese acrobats. The merged castaways named their new tribe Hae Da Fung (Black Fighting Wind). Jeff arrived at the campsite and announced an Immunity Challenge would take place immediately. Peih-Gee tried to bring James and Frosti to the former Zhan Hu's side while Jaime tried to use her knowledge of the Hidden Immunity Idols as a bargaining chip with Frosti and Todd to save herself, but both already knew she had a false Idol and who had the real ones. After the votes were cast at Tribal Council, Jaime tried to play her false Hidden Immunity Idol, but Jeff tossed the plaque into the fire after announcing that it was not a Hidden Immunity Idol. The votes cast against Jaime counted and she was voted out 7-3.

  • Immunity Challenge: The players must recall information that was visible at the feast they attended after the merge. If a player missed a question, they were out of the challenge. The last remaining player would win Immunity.

Episode 8: High School Friend Contest


As part of winning the reward challenge, Amanda, James, Jean-Robert and Todd received a scroll containing all the clues and an additional clue to the whereabouts of the Hidden Immunity Idol at camp. With his new knowledge about the Hidden Immunity Idol, Jean-Robert searched the campsite for the Idol, not knowing that both Idols had already been found. Todd, feeling slighted by James having both Hidden Immunity Idols and not giving one to him, approached Amanda and Frosti about blindsiding James at Tribal Council. Thinking he had a Hidden Immunity Idol, Jean-Robert told Erik that he had the Idol, but Erik told him that he thought James had both. Jean-Robert confronted James about the Idols hoping to get an alliance with him, but James denied that he had it. Jean-Robert then approached Todd about blindsiding James, which caused Todd to alter his plan to do the same. The former Fei Long alliance decided that they had had enough of Jean-Robert and he was voted out 5-3-1.

  • Reward Challenge: The tribe is divided into two teams of 4 via schoolyard pick (Jean-Robert, James, Todd, and Amanda versus Peih-Gee, Frosti, Erik and Courtney), with the 9th player (Denise) unable to participate or qualify for reward. During each match, one member of the team is positioned in a boat in the center of a floating platform and must prevent the boat from being flooded by three members of the other team standing on the platform to outlast the fourth member of the other tribe doing the same in a separate area. The team that sinks the other team's boat first wins the match; the game is played to the best 2 of 3 matches.
  • Reward: A Chinese feast, and will also receive a scroll, ultimately revealed to be another clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol at camp.
  • Immunity Challenge: Each player sits atop a large barrel filled with water, fashioned as a Chinese dragon; at the start of the challenge, the players will release a cork that will cause water to drain out of the barrel, and furthermore, will unlatch the barrel as to allow it to rotate freely. Players must then attempt to stay atop the barrel for as long as possible, with balancing becoming more difficult as the water drains from the barrel. The player that remains on the long receives Immunity.

Episode 8: Just Don't Eat the Apple


Denise felt betrayed by her alliance after they did not tell her about their plan to vote out Jean-Robert at the last Tribal Council. Frosti and Courtney flirted with each other. Peih-Gee took out her frustration at losing the Reward Challenge on James, blaming him for the loss. She later attempted to apologize to James for what she said but he didn't accept. When the others got back from the reward challenge in order not to cause much anger they made the reward not sound as good as it was. Peih-Gee's frustration was short lived when she won the Immunity Challenge. Todd, James, and Denise were concerned that Courtney would not vote for Frosti due to her close friendship with him. Seen as a greater threat to win challenges than Erik and as possibly threat to turn Courtney to his side, Frosti was voted out 7-1, even by his closest ally. After the vote, Jeff told the remaining contestants that they had to stay to attend to some additional business.

  • Reward Challenge: Two teams of four are selected via schoolyard pick (Amanda, Courtney, Erik, and Frosti vs. Amanda, Denise, James, and Peih-Gee). Each team must attempt to bounce a ball on the heads of four drums along the length of a course including across two gates, and into a pot at the end of course; if the ball should drop to the ground the team must restart at the last gate passed or back at the start. The first team to transfer three balls in this fashion wins reward.
  • Reward: A night on a river cruise along the Lishui River.
  • Immunity Challenge: Each player is presented with a set of tiles representing the animals of the Chinese zodiac. Each round, Probst will read off a series of animals; the players must remember this series and then using a knife, stab the tiles in the correct order. A player is eliminated from the challenge if they fail to get the correct order. Prior to the challenge, players that do not want to participate (Courtney, Denise, James, and Todd) are able to partake of cheeseburgers, french fries, and drinks for as long as the challenge continues. The decision to participate or not is determined by a simultaneous reveal of each player's choice through colored marbles.

Episode 10: It’s Been Real and It’s Been Fun


Recap episode. A summary and new scenes from Day 1 to Day 27.

Episode 11: Ready to Bite the Apple


The surprise "more business to attend to" announced by Jeff at the Tribal Council was a Reward Challenge where the winner and two others would get a plane trip to and an overnight stay at the Shaolin Temple. The challenge was a quiz on Chinese culture, with Peih-Gee winning and inviting Denise and Erik. While at the temple, Denise surprised Peih-Gee and Erik by revealing that she has been a student of karate for eight years, nearly reaching the rank of black belt. While fetching the tree mail announcing the Immunity Challenge, Amanda shared with Courtney her plot to blindside James at the next Tribal Council as long as he did not win immunity. Erik won the Immunity Challenge. Amanda convinced Todd and Denise to go along with her plot to blindside James. Thinking that she was next to go and trying to go out fighting, Peih-Gee talked to Amanda about James possibly having a Hidden Immunity Idol and Amanda warned Peih-Gee to "just need to not do anything". Peih-Gee shared the possible plot with Erik, who had to decide if it was in his best interest to vote with Peih-Gee and vote for Todd or join the possible plot by voting out James. James was blindsided at Tribal Council without playing either Hidden Immunity Idol, and was voted out 5-1-1.

  • Reward Challenge: The players are quizzed on their knowledge of China and its culture. The player to first five correct answers wins Reward as well as the opportunity to bring 2 others along.
  • Reward: A plane trip to and an overnight stay at the Shaolin Temple, including a demonstration of martial arts.
  • Immunity Challenge: Players are to throw hira-shuriken at a target wall marked with various scoring areas. In the first round, each player throws three times, and the highest four scores (barring any ties) proceed to the next round. In the second round, the target wall is moved farther away, and each player only has one throw. The player with the highest scoring throw on the second round wins Immunity.

Episode 11: Going for the Oscar


At the Reward Challenge, the castaways were surprised by the appearance of their loved ones with whom they teamed up with in the challenge. The team of Denise and her husband won, and selected Amanda and Todd, along with their sisters, to join them on the trip. After Courtney, Erik, and Peih-Gee were sent away, Jeff announced the remaining loved ones would spend the night at the camp. The grueling Immunity Challenge was won by Peih-Gee. Peih-Gee and Erik tried to get Denise to switch to their side to force a tie at Tribal Council, but the Fei Long alliance held and Erik, as the only remaining member of the former Zhan Hu who wasn't immune, was voted out 4-2.

  • Reward Challenge: Each remaining contestant was teamed with a loved one for this challenge. Each participant was blindfolded and placed on opposite sizes of a maze formed by fenceposts. The contestant and their loved one had to help meet at the center and step up onto a dias to win the reward.
  • Reward: Along with two other contestants and their loved ones, a boat trip include a dinner feast. The winner also would receive a call from home during the trip.
  • Elimination Challenge: Each contestant is tethered to a rope that crosses a knee-deep bog of water and included various posts which the rope is wrapped around. Each contestant must maneuver the length of the rope including around any obstacles to reach a set of question boxes, each containing one true and one false statement and a key associated with that answer. The contestant selects the key from the answer they believe to be true and makes their way back through the course to try to use the key to unlock one of three locks on a box containing the flag. If they are wrong, they must go back and fetch the other key. The first player to open all three boxes and hoist their flag wins.

Episode 12: Hello, I'm Still a Person


Denise won the reward challenge due to Amanda and Courtney hitting her name instead of their own. She then chose to take Courtney with her for hitting her name and she chose Todd for strategic reasons. Back at camp, Amanda and Peih-Gee started to talk and became somewhat close. Amanda flirted with the idea of blindsiding Todd. Later, when the others returned back to camp, Peih-Gee attempted to get Denise to vote along with her and Amanda. The Immunity Challenge was won by Amanda. At the Tribal Council, Amanda and Denise could not betray their alliance and Peih-Gee was voted out 4-1.

  • Reward Challenge: Each player is given 5 arrows of their color, and must secretly distribute them to the other players. Then, using the arrows that they have been given, they must use a replica of a Chinese wooden repeating crossbow to shoot at their names at a checkboard target. A player earns a point whenever a arrow hit their name, regardless of who shot the arrow. The winner is the one with the most points after all arrows are fired.
  • Reward: Along with two other contestants, a private jet trip to the Great Wall of China, including a meal.
  • Immunity Challenge: This was the "Second Chances" challenge split into four rounds, with the last player in each round losing the challenge. The reappearing challenges were: using 3 throwing stars to earn points, eating one balut, bouncing a ball on a drum across a course into a large container, and finally chopping ropes holding puzzle disks, then assembling the puzzle. The first person of the two in the final round to assemble the puzzle correctly wins immunity.

Episode 13: A Slippery Little Sucker


At the final Reward Challenge, Amanda won a food reward challenge which she chose to split the reward with Todd. While eating their reward, Amanda questioned Todd's loyalty to their alliance and he reassured her that he was true to their alliance. The Immunity Challenge was preceded by a torch remembrance of the voted out castaways that ended at a statue of Guan Yin. Amanda continued her winning streak by winning the final Immunity Challenge. During the challenge, Denise tried to cut a deal with Amanda, but was rebuffed. After the challenge, Denise continued her lobbying to not be voted out, but her efforts were unsuccessful and she was voted out 3-1. At the final Tribal Council, Todd was voted the Sole Survivor with a vote of 4-2-1.

  • Reward Challenge: Players must cross over two bridges (once which they have to assemble by placing planks in correct positions on the bridge) to reach a yoke and 12 puzzle pieces. Using the yoke to haul the pieces, the player must then take these to the top of a replica Great Wall. Once all the pieces are collected at the top of the wall, the player must then fill the pieces into a three-dimension puzzle in order to complete their section of the wall. The first place to complete the puzzle wins reward.
  • Reward: Pizza, brownies, beer, and soft drinks. The winning player has the option of either keeping the meal to themselves or sharing with 1 or 2 other players.
  • Immunity Challenge: Each player is provided a one-arm balance adjusted for their height, with a small disk at the far end. During the challenge, the host will call out specific dishware that the player must take and stack on the far end of the balance. Should any part of a player's stack fall, that player is out of the challenge. The winner is the last player remaining in the challenge.

Voting history

Original Tribes Switched Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Eliminated: Chicken
5/8 Votes
6/7 Votes
6/8 Votes
5/6 Votes
3/5 Votes
5/7 Votes
7/10 Votes
5/9 Votes
7/8 Votes
5/7 Votes
Voter Vote
Amanda Leslie Sherea Jaime Jean-Robert Frosti James
Courtney Jean-Robert Jean-Robert Jaime Jean-Robert Frosti James
Denise Leslie Sherea Jaime Peih-Gee Frosti James
Erik Chicken Ashley Dave Aaron Jean-Robert James Frosti James
Peih-Gee Chicken Ashley Dave Aaron Jean-Robert James Frosti Todd
Todd Leslie Sherea Jaime Jean-Robert Frosti James
James Leslie Peih-Gee Jaime Jean-Robert Frosti Peih-Gee
Frosti Chicken Ashley Dave Sherea Jaime Jean-Robert Erik
Jean-Robert Leslie Sherea Jaime James
Jaime Chicken Ashley Dave Aaron Jean-Robert
Sherea Chicken Ashley Dave Jean-Robert
Aaron Leslie James
Dave Ashley Ashley Sherea
Leslie Jean-Robert
Ashley Peih-Gee Dave
Chicken Ashley
  1. ^ "Survivor: China Episodes". TV Guide. Retrieved 2007-11-07.