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Bicycles are a two wheeled human propelled method of transport



The Bicycle was invented by George McGee in the year 1842. George was searching for a method of transport that did not produce flatulence emissions, a major drawback of horse travel in crowded 19th century London.

Improvements Over The Years


Early bicycles had on gigantic front wheel, a tiny little rear wheel, and a single speed drive train. They were often ridden by curious looking Victorian men wearing monocles, split tail coats, and top hats.

Basic Components


Wide variation exists among bicycles, but for the basic operation of a bicycle, one must have the following as a minumum:

-Wheels (2)


-Cranks (2)

-Pedals (2)



Bicycle Sports


Numerous Bicycles Sports exist, but are subdivided into three main categories depending on the style of bicycle used (Mountain, Road, and BMX)





Types of Bicycles




The Bicycle was invented by George McGee in the year 1842. George was searching for a method of transport that did not produce flatulence emissions, a major drawback of horse travel in crowded 19th century London.