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Slaveholders (sas as slave-holders, slave holders, slave owner, slave master) are those who hold humans as property. Those who imprison. Those who make rules to force others to do things against their will, and keep them on what they consider to be their domain, or their property.

oe Holder-of-slaves corruption of keeper-of-flock, watcher-of-sheep, sheep-herder, one who herds sheep is a sheep-herder, a shepherd, shepher, a Chief, a chef, or sheph.

Those who "Keep another against their will" Those who "enlock" another person (remember this includes most of those of you who are teachers or parents).

If there is a un-passable-door on your home, your building, your property, your plantation, a rule, or a unbreakable-boundary, beyond which another patron of reality cannot pass, simply because of your will, which fears that they will not return if you let them leave, then you are a slave-holder, especially if you make them do what you tell them, do chores, do drills, do practice, or do work, for those who bind by flock and by like will return to each other without coercion, without coaxing, almost by instinct, for this is the true nature of home and of family (not those who are born to, not those who force you to stay with them, not a building or a place). This is what a slave-owner is not, a keeper of a home, a master of a house, but only one who keeps those them there by force.

(Part of larger article) Who loves a parking-ticket-giver-outer? Who loves loves an pull-the-switcher? Who loves the executioner?

sas - same as as -alternate spelling oe (other English, another way of saying)