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The Castes of India According to extra educated people.

We are the residance of that society were we don't know before of borth of child where it was boy or girl, but here we know about there caste.

According to BHEEM ARMY it's based on the vedas like GEETA & MANUSMRITI but in both book there are clearly mantion that castes is based on their karma (Guna) not on their birth.

Now I am asking to the Bheem army if you burn the MANUSMRITI then why will you not burn the our constitution where it was clearly mation that your caste is based on your birth.

in Article 15(4);16(4) which was amended in 1951; 'The special provisions of advancement for backword classes In Article 330&332 which was written and discussed on 23&24th of August 1949 which provides the Reservation seats for Scheduled caste & schedule tribes. in the education and the parliament where it was clearly mantion that the cast of that person will identified by their birth by their perents caste and it will not changed after by their work. Then it will directly described that your caste will decided by your birth.

But here they will not do anything. The problem is there the upper caste people are always said about the reservation like that person is scored lower marks but they will received a government job not him. But the upper caste people will never understand that what kind of mantel harrassment was suffering from that lower caste person because every time everywhere he will always disconnect just because of he/she from lower caste. At here also lower caste people should understand that to become educated and come in power to destroy this unnecessary things of caste.

But in other side the lower caste people will never come for education they will always blamed to upper caste people and the spiritual written but they never reads that spiritual books. if they will read this then they will understand that the all Hindu scriptures was never ever told that the castes Varna will be based on the birth it will always based on their karma.

The main problem is their now the caste of people now become the thought which will difficult to forget it. Because of this the needy people which are belongs to lower caste they will not get the benefits of reservation and education. If thay will become educated then this system will going near of end of the cast system in india.

But our politics will never want to do this because of their own ethics and their own votes. Just because of that the real needy persons will never know about the rules and they will never get the benefits of reservation.

The all people of upper caste should understand that the lower caste people's are suffering from many things like ;

  • Financial condition
  • In some villages of India in this time also they will going through untouchability
  • In some places of India in now this days also they will not get education

There are many other things the all upper caste people want to understand that situation of that people. And also the lower caste people will also want to understand that if the Constitution of India will give the specific and special provisions to them then they want to become educated and become successful in their own life and all the educated people wherever they are from uppercast and from lower caste They want to understand that now this is the time when the politics of India want the youth power the politics of India want now the educated people who will run the country not for thinking of their own personal agenta just run the country for the democracy and just end this casteism.