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Anthony J. Nownes, PhD is a researcher and professor in the field of political science. He specializes in American interest groups and lobbying. He is currently a professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Honors Program Director, and Advising Coordinator with the Department of Political Science at the University of Tennessee.

Education and Teaching


Anthony Nownes received his bachelors in political science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1986. He then received his masters and doctorate from the University of Kansas in 1989 and 1993 respectively. During his undergraduate career, he explored international affairs and Middle Eastern politics, but his focus quickly shifted to American politics and interest group politics in graduate school. Describing the field of international relations and international relation theories, he stated "there's too much to understand. We should just give up." After graduating with his doctorate, he briefly worked at the University of Utah. He has spent the bulk of his career at the University of Tennessee.



Below is a list of Dr. Nownes field specific publications thus far.

  • Anthony J. Nownes Forthcoming “Organization Demography Research in the United States,” in The Organization Ecology of Interest Communities: An Assessment and An Agenda, eds. David Lowery, Virginia Gray, and Darren Halpin (London: Palgrave-MacMillan).
  • Anthony J. Nownes, Editor (with Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis) 2015 Interest Group Politics, 9th edition (Washington, DC: CQ Press)
  • Anthony J. Nownes and Josh Cole 2015 “Interest Groups and America’s ‘Invisible Governments’: Patterns of Participation and Conflict in Special District Politics,” in Interest Group Politics, 9th edition, eds. Burdett A. Looms, Allan J. Cigler, and Anthony J. Nownes (Washington, DC; CQ Press).
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2001 Pressure and Power: Organized Interests in American Politics. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin).
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2000 “The Structure of Interest Communities: A Comparative State Analysis.” American Politics Quarterly 28: 309-327.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2000 “Interest Group Conflict, Alliances, and Opposition: Evidence from Three States.” Social Science Journal 37: 231-244.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Grant Neeley 1996 “Toward an Explanation for Public Interest Group Formation and Proliferation: Seed Money, Disturbances, Entrepreneurship, and Patronage.” Policy Studies Journal 24: 74-96.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 1996 “Response to Imig and Berry: Entrepreneurs, Patrons, and Organization.” Political Research Quarterly 49: 155-162.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Grant Neeley 1996 “Public Interest Group Entrepreneurship and Theories of Group Mobilization.” Political Research Quarterly 49: 119-146.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 1995 “Patronage and Citizen Groups: A Re-evaluation.” Political Behavior 17: 203-221.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 1995 “The Other Exchange: Public Interest Groups, Patrons, and Benefits.” Social Science Quarterly 76: 381-401.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Allan J. Cigler 1995 “Public Interest Groups and the Road to Survival.” Polity 27: 379-404.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Allan J. Cigler 1994 “Public Interest Entrepreneurs and Group Patrons.” In Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis, eds. Interest Group Politics, Fourth edition (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press), pp. 77-99.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2013 Interest Groups in American Politics: Pressure and Power, 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge).
  • Anthony J. Nownes and Gregory Neddenriep 2014 “An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Interest Group Endorsements on Poorly-Aligned Partisans in the 2008 Presidential Election.” Party Politics 20: 617-31.
  • Darren Halpin, and Anthony J. Nownes 2012 “Reappraising the Survival Question: Why Should We Focus on Interest Group ‘Careers?’” In Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis, eds., Interest Group Politics, 8th ed. (Washington, DC: CQ Press).
  • Christopher A. Cooper, Anthony J. Nownes, and Martin Johnson. 2007 “Negotiating Newsworthiness: Interest Groups and Journalists in the States.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 7: 39-53.
  • Grant Neeley, and Anthony J. Nownes 1998 “Activists, Contributors, and Volunteers.” Southeastern Political Review 26: 279- 292.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Krissy Walker DeAlejandro 2009 “Lobbying in the New Millennium: Evidence of Continuity and Change in Three States,” State Politics and Policy Quarterly (4): 429-434.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Marc Osborn. 2009 “Governors, Lobbying, and the Legislature: Evidence from a Pilot Study.” In Conor McGrath, ed., Interest Groups & Lobbying: Volume One - The United States, and Comparative Studies (New York: Edward Mellen Press).
  • Michael Bath, Anthony J. Nownes, and Jennifer Gayvert 2005 “Women Lobbyists: The Gender Gap and Interest Representation.” Politics and Policy 33: 136-153.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Patricia Freeman 1998 “Female Lobbyists: Women in the World of ‘Good ol’ Boys.” Journal of Politics 60: 1181-1201.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2006 Total Lobbying: What Lobbyists Want (and How They Try to Get It) (New York: Cambridge University Press).
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2006 “The Changing Group Universe,” “Sources of Interest Group Studies: An Overview,” “Lobbyists,” and “Foundations as Interest Groups.” In Clive Thomas, ed., The Handbook of Political Science Literature on Interest Groups (Westport, CO: Greenwood Press).
  • Anthony J. Nownes 1999 “Solicited Advice and Lobbyist Power: Evidence from Three American States.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 24: 113-124.

Publications on Local Politics

  • Anthony J. Nownes 2014 “Local and State Interest Group Organizations.” In Donald P. Haider Markel, ed., Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Anthony J. Nownes, Christopher A. Cooper, and Steven Roberts 2005 “Perceptions of Power: Interest Groups in Local Politics.” State and Local Government Review 37: 206-216.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and David J. Houston 2004 “A Tale of Two Localities: Knoxville-Knox County Consolidation.” In Kurt Thurmaier, Richard Feiock, Jered Carr, and Suzanne Leland, eds., Changing the Local Government Landscape: Local Government Consolidation. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe), pp. 238-260.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2008 “Citizen Participation in Local Government.” In Evan M. Berman, and Jack Rabin, eds., Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Second Edition (New York: CRC Press).
  • Christopher A. Cooper, and Anthony J. Nownes 2003 “Citizen Groups in Big City Politics.” State and Local Government Review 35: 102-111.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, David J. Houston, and Marc Schwerdt 2010 “An Assessment of City-County Consolidation in Nashville/Davidson County.” In Suzanne Leland and Kurt Thurmaier, eds., City-County Consolidation Cases: Promises Made, Promises Kept? (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press), pp. 25-56.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2010 “Resolved, The ‘No Cup of Coffee” Rule Should be Adopted in Washington.” In Richard J. Ellis and Michael Nelson eds., Debating Reform: Conflicting Perspectives on How to Fix the American Political System (Washington, DC: CQ Press), pp. 129-134.
  • Anthony J. Nownes and Adam Newmark 2012 “Interest Groups in the States.” In Virginia Gray and Russell L. Hanson, eds., Politics in the American States, 10 ed. (Washington, DC: CQ Press).
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2012 “Interest Groups and State Politics.” In Burdett A. Loomis, ed., Guide to Interest Groups and Lobbying (Washington, DC: CQ Press).
  • Christopher A. Cooper, and Anthony J. Nownes 2002 “Textiles, Traditions, and Scandal: Money in South Carolina Politics.” In David Schultz, ed., Money, Politics, and Campaign Finance Reform in the States. (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press), pp. 133-154.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, Clive S. Thomas, and Ronald J. Hrebenar 2008 “Interest Groups in the States.” In Virginia Gray and Russell L. Hanson, eds., Politics in the American States, Ninth Edition (Washington, DC: CQ Press), pp. 98-126.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Patricia Freeman 1998 “Interest Group Activity in the States.” Journal of Politics 60: 86-112.
  • Clive S. Thomas, Ronald J. Hrebenar, and Anthony J. Nownes 2008 “Interest Group Politics in the States—Four Decades of Developments—the 1960s to the Present.” In The Book of the States, 2008 edition, Volume 40. (Lexington, KY: The Council of State Governments), pp. 322-331.
  • Robert Alexander, and Anthony Nownes. 2008 “Organized Interests and Campaign Professionals: Insights from the States.” Journal of Political Marketing 7: 183-202.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Shari Garber Bax 1999 “Toward a Better Understanding of How Groups Structure Themselves for Political Action: Federated and Unitary Groups in Missouri.” American Review of Politics 20: 231-244.
  • Anthony J. Nownes and Nurgul Aitalieva. “The Political Activities of American Corporate 2013 Leaders.” Business and Politics 15:4.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Allan J. Cigler 1998 “Corporate Philanthropy in a Political Fishbowl: Perils and Possibilities.” In Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis, eds. Interest Group Politics, Fifth edition. (Washington, DC: CQ Press), pp. 63-82.
  • Burdett A. Loomis, and Anthony J. Nownes 1993 “Agendas and Entrepreneurs: What You See and What You Get.” In Ralph Meyer and Fred Baker, eds., State Policy Problems (Chicago: Nelson-Hall), pp. 3-23.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2012 “Congress and Interest Groups.” In Jamie Carson, ed., New Directions in Congressional Politics (New York: Routledge).
  • Anthony J. Nownes 1991 “Interest Groups and the Regulation of Pesticides: Congress, Coalitions, and Closure.” Policy Sciences 24: 1-18
  • Anthony J. Nownes 1992 “Primaries, General Elections, and Voter Turnout: A Multinomial Logit Model of the Decision to Vote.” American Politics Quarterly 20: 205-226.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Allan J. Cigler 2007 “Large Donor Patrons: What They Give and What They Get.” In Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis, eds., Interest Group Politics, Seventh Edition (Washington, DC: CQ Press), pp. 108-129.
  • Christopher A. Cooper, and Anthony J. Nownes 2004 “Money Well Spent? An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Advertorials on Citizen Opinion.” American Politics Research 32: 546-569.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2012 “An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Celebrity Support for Political Parties in the United States.” American Politics Research 40: 476-500.
  • Dwight C. Kiel, and Anthony J. Nownes 1994 “Political Language, Causal Stories, and Pesticide Regulation.” American Review of Politics 15: 491-506.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 1991 “American Corn Growers Association,” and “The National Council of Churches.” In William P. Browne and Allan J. Cigler, eds. Agriculture Interests (Westport, CO: Greenwood Press).
  • Michael Bath, Anthony J. Nownes, and Jennifer Gayvert 2005 “Women Lobbyists: The Gender Gap and Interest Representation.” Politics and Policy 33: 136-153.
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Patricia Freeman 1998 “Female Lobbyists: Women in the World of ‘Good ol’ Boys.” Journal of Politics 60: 1181-1201.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2014 “Interest Groups and Transgender Politics.” In Jami Taylor and Donald Haider-Markel, eds., Transgender Rights and Politics (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2010 “Density Dependent Dynamics in the Population of Transgender Interest Groups in the United States, 1964-2005” Social Science Quarterly (91): 689-703.
  • Anthony J. Nownes. 2012. “Numbers in a Niche: A Practitioners Guide to Mapping Gay and Lesbian Interest Groups in the United States.” In Darren Halpin and Grant Jordan, eds, The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics: Data and Research Methods (London: Palgrave MacMillan).
  • Anthony J. Nownes, and Daniel Lipinski 2005 “The Population Ecology of Interest Group Death: Gay and Lesbian Rights Interest Groups in the United States, 1948-1998.” British Journal of Political Science 35: 303-319.
  • Anthony J. Nownes 2004 “The Population Ecology of Interest Group Formation: Mobilizing for Gay and Lesbian Rights in the United States, 1950-1998.” British Journal of Political Science 34: 49-67.





