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Hi, I'm Mercury, daughter of Maia (though I'm told it ought to be Mnemosyne). I'm a verbose, bibliophilic, extraordinarily meticulous aspiring author (sort of) with a hyperactive imagination, and a college freshman in Pennsylvania. I mostly read fantasy, science fantasy, and science fiction. I'm very fond of books by Isaac Asimov, Orson Scott Card, Mercedes Lackey, C. S. Lewis, Anne McCaffrey, Tamora Pierce, J. K. Rowling (obviously), and Anne Walsh. (Okay, she's not published yet, but you just wait and see. 2009, Dangerous Truths by Anne Walsh, it'll spend three weeks at the top of the New York Times bestseller list. Guaranteed.) I also watch Naruto, Pokémon, Sailormoon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! when I get the chance, and I'm buying Yu-Gi-Oh! graphic novels whenever I simultaneously have the money and see the next one I don't have. I am an astronomy geek and a mythology nut, and if anyone ever saw me reading the same book two days in a row, they'd swear it was surgically attached to my nose.