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Hello, and welcome to my page. I live in the Pacific Northwest and I enjoy gardening, hiking, and generally being outside, that's why I am currently turning my passion for these things into a degree in horticulture. I am doing that by getting an Associates degree in botany where I hope attend either University of Washington or Montana State University to pursue horticulture and turn it into a career. I also enjoy music and participate in a few local bands where I play tenor and baritone saxophone. I also enjoy Drum Corps International and would one day like to pursue that.

I hope to use Wikipedia to educate myself more about flora of the Pacific Northwest and contribute some of my knowledge to pages about it as well. I also hope to use it as a resource to educate myself on environmental issues as that is something I am also interested in. I know I will use Wikipedia for my classes, not for research projects, but to stay updated on topics and concepts I don't fully understand. I will also use Wikipedia pages to find other resources through the page.

Article Review[edit]

For the article review, I chose to critique the Estrus Records Wikipedia. I love Bellingham and I also love music, so I thought that this was a good article to look at. When I visited the Estrus Records page on Wikipedia, I found three aspects of it worth commenting on: lack of citations, dead links, and missing information.


The Estrus Records Wikipedia does not have any citations. It's not a matter of there not being information out there about the record company though, it's a matter of it not being properly cited. There are a few sources listed under the "talk" page, but they are not listed in the article or under the references in the article. Some of the sources included in the "talk" page was a book written by Jacob McMurray titled, "Taking Punk to the Masses: From Nowhere to Nevermind," where he talked about a warehouse fire that devastated the company in 1997. Billboard magazine also wrote an article about the fire in 1997 that was featured in the February issue. MTV also wrote an article on this.

Dead Links[edit]

This article contains many dead links. These, of course are links on a page that are linked to a page that has moved or no longer exists. Most of the links that are dead are of bands that Estrus Records has produced music for that have become out of date, and no longer have pages with a link. There are also dead links in reference to a music festival that Estrus used to hold. There are lots of live links though, especially for all of the older, more local bands that Estrus has produced for.

Left out Information[edit]

This article does a good job of giving reference to many things surrounding Estrus Records. They include bands they have produced for, their annual music festival, and they also touched on a warehouse fire that happened in 1997. While they do a good job of mentioning these things, they don't really elaborate on things. One example being that their warehouse fire was a big deal. MTV and Billboard wrote an article on the warehouse fire and how the founder, Dave Crider, recovered from the damage. Speaking of Dave Crider, they don't mention him once. Even though he is he founder of this record company, and lead guitarist of Mono Men, they only mention the location of the record company.


This is a pretty good article. There was a good amount of information on the page for it being an independent record company for local bands in a college town in Washington State. It did however lack some important things like having no citations, having multiple dead links on the page, and having left out some important information on the page.

(This was for an assignment for my English class and I also added sources to the Estrus Records Wikipedia)