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VidMuze was founded in August, 2011 by Mike Gentilini, Jr. VidMuze is made up of video training tutorials, visual effects, free downloadable content, stock footage and more. Mike wanted to find a way to help advance the film community. With over 15 years of filming experience, a lot of filming knowledge was gathered over the years and Mike thought it would be best to pass this valuable information down to young filmmakers and make it available to anyone.

Mike has been using the Adobe software since 1997. By using this incredible software, so much video productivity can be completed and produced. Mike offers many free tutorials showing how to optimally use Adobe's software such as After Effects, Premiere Pro and Encore.

VidMuze is not only a resource for filming information, but Mike also creates his own short films, integrating his own visual effects. These films are entertaining for many to watch, and then whoever wants to learn more about how the filming and post process was completed, they can watch the "behind the scenes" videos.

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