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Christian? check!


====Really Odd?? check, check!

Okay, really. I mean, that is quite enough, hmm? I do apologize for said weirdness, but that is how the cookie bounces!  

Hello! Obviously, my name is Michael and I am a Gamer. Yes, yes: I realize that Gamer is a rather ambiguous term, due to: 1. the massive amount of games out there, and 2. the many types, or genres, if you prefer, of games. Some are subjective, often to ensure their exclusivity (i.e. "You can't belong to Our Club.") Right. Anyway, I am proud to be and say that I am a Born-Again Christian. Anyone is welcome, and it is not a game. That's enough for now. I have a tendency to ramble, so please believe me when I say that I have done you a huge favor.

Oookayy, then! byeee!

Michael (aka MichaelTheGamer)


MichaelTheGamer (talk) 22:05, 11 March 2023 (UTC)