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User:Michele di piedi/UK Poor 90 Accord

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The UK Poor 90 Accord[edit]

The Poor 90 Accord (or P90 Accord) is the name given to the 6 articles that make up an agreement put forward as a way of providing a common aim for the disparate groups opposed to the cuts to benefit entitlements and public services outlined in the October 2010 Government Spending Review.

The Accord first appeared in December 2010, on the [Bristol Indymedia] website.[1]

The phrase "Poor 90" refers to the 'poorest 90% of the population', i.e. those not in the richest 10%.

The UK Poor 90 Accord

  1. We Agree that there should be no cuts to services to pay back the debts ran up in the bailing out of the banking system.
  2. We Agree that the debts should be recovered from the richest 10% of this country: they were the real winners, now they should be the real losers – and from large corporations, for the same reason.
  3. We Agree that the poorest 90% must unify to force the richest 10% to pay for their crisis.
  4. We Agree to look to local and physical activity to achieve our aims, communicating as real people, but we will organise online whenever possible.
  5. We Agree to unify around this issue, not pursue other agendas through it, and to act effectively to further the aims of this Accord.
  6. We Agree to try and expand the unity and act in the interest of the poorest 99.9% of the people on the planet.


External links[edit]