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Patty Jenkins and gender stereotypes.

Born July 24th in California, Patty Jenkins had the ambition to become a film director at an early age. She attended film school at The Cooper Union in New York where she received her undergraduate and then went to graduate school for two years. She then moved to California where she became a camera operator (which could seem harder to become than a director) It took Patty around 12 years between when she graduated and when she got her first directing gig.

Monster(2003) is the movie that set Jenkins career on. Monster was nominated in different festivals and award shows like the Golden Globe and the Oscars. The leading actress Charlize Theron who played the serial killer won an academy award for Best Leading Role. Not only was the movie successful, but it stirred up conversation on gender issues also. Certain people didn’t agree on Jenkins input in the movie as she turned Aileen Wuornos story into a ‘romantic’ drama. The people that were the most offended were certain family members of Wuornos victims.

After her success with Monster Patty Jenkins directed episodes of the TV show The Killing and Five. In 2012, Jenkins was hired by Marvel to direct Thor 2 and was subject of another gender issue problem. According to Marvel, Jenkins was revoked of her director duties because the company was scared she was not going to make it in the production delays. The real issue was that Marvel wasn’t sure if Patty would be up to the task artistically for the movie. Even is the corporation argues that it was not a gender issue, fundamentally it was.