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User:Mirzali/Mirzali Zazaoğlu

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Mirzali Zazaoğlu

Mirzali Zazaoğlu (born as Yaşar Kaya) was born in 1967 in a village called Qızılmescid near the town of Pılemuriye. He spent his early childhood there and then moved to Gemlik (Bursa). He attended elementary school there.

In 1980, he moved to Germany with his parents and siblings. Here, he began to shape his own life. He continued his school education in a comprehensive school. During his school years, he worked in various jobs to earn his living. In the following years, he also attended evening school and eventually obtained his secondary school certificate.

In 1995, he joined a textile company (Blusen Neumann) where he worked in production and tailoring. In this company, he learned the craft and design of fashion.

In his spare time, he was deeply involved with the Zazaki language and began to write his own stories and poems. However, he was not initially proficient in the spelling of the Zazaki language. In 1990, he began to explore his own language and literature. For his work in language research and promotion, he went to Pülümür in 1990 and stayed there for several months. He was actively involved in associations and initiatives for the promotion of the Zazaki language and culture. He ordered previously published books and articles in Zazaki and read them.

However, in 2006, he fell seriously ill. Due to his cancer, he underwent chemotherapy. Despite severe side effects, he continued his treatment and eventually recovered. He is still under medical follow-up care.

In the following years, he began to re-examine and maintain his Zazaki collections and delved into the grammar of this language. Currently, he resides in Berlin and manages the Zazaki section of Wikipedia, where he publishes articles and content in Zazaki.