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User:Moondyne/Burke & Grill

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The son of federal Labor parliamentarian Tom Burke, Burke started his career as a journalist. He entered politics in 1973, winning the Legislative Assembly seat of Balcatta in a by-election. Burke was Premier of Western Australia between 1983 and 1988 following a short caretaker premiership of Ray O'Connor after the retirement of Sir Charles Court.

Burke's premiership was characterised by close associations with business people, particularly Laurie Connell and Alan Bond, and arranging joint government and business deals. As a result of the 1987 stock market crash, many of the deals quickly unravelled, precipitated by demands from some of the businessmen that the government support their cash-strapped companies. The subsequent attempted rescue of the Connell owned Rothwells merchant bank using state owned enterprises such as the Government Employees Superannuation Board ultimately precipitated a Royal Commission which was established by Carmen Lawrence in 1990. [1]

As a result of findings made at the Royal Commission, Burke served two separate jail terms, the first being for seven months in 1994 for false travel expense claims of $17,000 between 1986 and 1988. In March 1997 he was found guilty of stealing stealing $122,585 in campaign donations and spent another six months in jail, before his conviction was quashed on appeal.[2] He was also stripped of his honour as a Companion of the Order of Australia. Character witnesses in his first trail included federal Minister of Finance Kim Beazley, and former Labor Prime Minister Bob Hawke.[3]

A long time parliamentarian, Grill was a barrister and solicitor before being elected as the Member for Yilgarn-Dundas in the state's Upper House in 1977. Due to redistributions the seat changed a number of times, eventually becoming the Electoral District of Eyre. Nevertheless, he was re-elected in 1981, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1993 and 1996. Grill did not contest the February 2001 general election.

During the Brian Burke premiership period as well as during that of his Burke's successor, Peter Dowding he held senior ministerial position including Transport, Regional Development, the North-West, Agriculture, The South-West, Fisheries and Tourism.

He was not implicated in any wrong-doings in the reports of the WA Inc Royal Commission and was generally regarded as a good parliamentarian and representative.

Fallout from associations with Burke and Grill

  • On 20 February 2007, Norm Marlborough MLA, forced to resign after the Corruption and Crime Commission revealed he had kept a "secret mobile phone" to stay in touch with Mr Burke.
  • On 25 February 2007, Tony McRae asked to resign from state cabinet by Premier Alan Carpenter due to his involvement in Brian Burke scandals.
  • On 27 February 2007, John Bowler MLA sacked from cabinet after revelations of his dealings with Brian Burke and Julian Grill surfaced at hearings being held by the Corruption and Crime Commission in Perth.
  • February 2008, Anthony Fels, (Liberal) MLC, sacked from shadow cabinet after CCC revealed he'd moved a motion in Parliament at the behest of the disgraced former Senator Noel Crichton-Browne. NCB was acting on behalf of Brian Burke.[4]
  • On 1 March 2007, Kevin Douglas, Busselton Shire President was forced to resign because he could no longer work on a council under the influence of lobbyist Brian Burke.
  • On 3 March, 2007, Senator Ian Campbell, resigned from federal cabinet after revelations he had met Burke. Campbell announced his retirement from politics on 4 May 2007. Then opposition leader Kevin Rudd was also implicated for similar conduct at about the same time but manages to avoid further damage.
  • November 2007, Shelley Archer and her partner Kevin Reynolds both resign from the ALP following pressure fro Alan Carpenter after Archer declared support for long-time friend Burke and refusal to cease contact with him.
  • On 25 January 2008, Neale Fong Director-General of the Department of Health was forced to resign from his position after a report of the CCC found that he engaged in "serious misconduct" in his relationship with Brian Burke.
  • February 2008, Julian Grill is threatened with jail for failing to apologise to Parliament over revelations of him leaking confidential documents.[5]

