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Why Donald Trump Would Make a Good Presidential Candidate...

There has been much controversy on why Donald Trump would not make a good presidential candidate however, I and many other American's feel that he would. Donald Trump would make a good presidential candidate for one, because he isn't a political, but a businessman. I feel this is something refreshing because politicians are known for being shady, slimy, and liars. I think this is something that a lot of the American people felt would be a positive change and something different. I do think it was hard for a lot to accept that for the first time a politician may not be elected the President of the United States, but maybe something that finally needed to happen.

Donald Trump would also make a good a good candidate because it seems for the past few decades the political establishment in American has failed its citizens and made our country look weak. Donald Trump would want to change this around and make our country look strong, independent, and take us back to what we truly pride ourselves in. I, and many other citizens think this is something truly amazing and something that we need to thank Donald Trump for a little bit more. One of his main platforms and focuses for the country is to get us economically back on our feet and create jobs for people. According to fortune , "Donald Trump is not a racist or a misogynist. He is a family man with a long record of empowering people of all backgrounds. American voters can see through the nonsense and are focused on which candidate can provide them a better future."