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Professor Gary Mortimer

Gary Mortimer is a Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour at the Queensland University of Technology Business School. Prior to joining QUT, Professor Mortimer spent over 25 years working with some of Australia’s largest general merchandise and food retailers. Widely recognised as Australia’s leading retail expert and media commentator, he is also an active researcher in the areas of retail operations and consumer behaviour. He has published over 100 academic manuscripts, conference papers, industry reports and delivered keynote addresses and industry presentations. He works closely with Australian television, print and radio media.

Selected Projects

2019: “Identifying the digital training needs of retail workers in small businesses” – QUT Strategic Links Pilot Program Grant in conjunction with the National Retailers Association

2019: “Identifying the Digital Training Needs of Retail Workers in Small Businesses”. National Retailers Association, Brisbane.

2018: “Examining Consumers Loyalty and Trust of Retail Brands”. Elevate Communications.

2018: “Identifying the external factors which impact profitability of a franchised retail business”. National Retailers Association.

2016: Interrupting Moments: Exploring external factors that create switching behaviour in supermarkets. Prepared for and funded by Woolworths Supermarkets

Selected Publications

Adapa S, Fazal-E-Hasan S, Makam S, Azeem M, Mortimer G, (2020) Examining the antecedents and consequences of perceived shopping value through smart retail technology, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services p1-11

Mortimer G, Grimmer L, Fazal-E-Hasan S, (2019) Examining consumer purchase intentions of non-prescription medicines in supermarkets and community pharmacies, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice p232-240

Chell K, Mortimer G, Russell-Bennett R, (2019) Exploring psychological determinants of sharing donor recognition on social networking sites, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing p1-12

Mortimer G, Weeks C, (2019) How unit price awareness and usage encourages grocery brand switching and expenditure, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services p346-356

Fazal-E-Hasan, Syed, Mortimer, Gary, Lings, Ian, & Drennan, Judy (2019) Examining customer-oriented positive deviance intentions of retail employees. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 47(8), pp. 836-854.

Fazal-E-Hasan S, Mortimer G, Lings I, Sekhon H, Howells K, (2019) Managing relationships: Insights from a student gratitude model, Research in Higher Education p1-22

Fazal-E-Hasan S, Ahmadi H, Mortimer G, Lings I, Kelly L, Kim J, (2019) Online repurchasing: The role of information disclosure, hope, and goal attainment, Journal of Consumer Affairs p1-29

Kharouf H, Sekhon H, Fazal-E-Hasan S, Hickman E, Mortimer G, (2019) The role of effective communication and trustworthiness in determining guests' loyalty, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management p240-262

Mortimer G, (2018) Examining the impact of trust and perceived risk on purchase intentions of unscheduled medicines in supermarkets, Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research p124-131

Mortimer G, Fazal-E-Hasan S, O'Donnell K, Strebel J, (2018) Measuring the experience of off-price fashion shopping: Scale development and validation, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management p454-475