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Article evaluation (Morphology):


This article has limited information and many things to improve upon. Relating to the relevance of the topic, it stays on topic for what morphology is, but oddly emphasizes cellular morphology and does not give enough info on what other types of morphology there are. As well as information on what morphology is used for in the real world. The article is mostly neutral, but does emphasize certain english speaking terms and assumes the reader understands specific scientific terms such as "taxa" and how it relates to the topic. Points underrepresented include: What fields of study this can be used in, explanation of why Burdach created such a branch of science, and better description as to why we want to separate species into groups through morphology. Regarding citations: not all statements that should be cited is, none of the articles are accessible through a link, they are outdated, and when looking for plagiarism one cannot find any because none of the sources are directed through here. The section on cellular morphology is fairly random and emphasized for no real explanation and I would suggest them to create its own wiki page separately.

A main question posed for this author/page would be: Why do biologist care to put species into taxa and what kind of places in work or education is morphology used for?

Week 3: Editing an article


Or add 1-2 sentences and sight:

Can find this under "Morphology and Classification".

A step relevant to the evaluation of morphology between traits/features within species, includes an assessment of the terms: homology and homoplasy. Homology between features indicate that those features have been derived from a common ancestor.[1] Alternatively, homoplasy between features describes those that can resemble each other, but derive independently via parallel or convergent evolution[2].

I also suggest that you look up homology and homoplasy specifically on those Wikipedia pages and link them. Analogy does not necessarily need to be a part of the terms you define because most comparative studies do not compare taxa that are very far apart. I also have some more resources in my office you are welcome to look at.Osquaesitor (talk) 16:44, 23 February 2018 (UTC)

  1. ^ Lincoln, Boxshall, Clark, Roger, Geoff, Paul (1998). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 143, 144. ISBN 0-521-43842-X.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Pough, Janis, Heiser, F. Harvey, Christin, John (2009). Vertebrate Evolution: Eight edition. Pearson. pp. Glossary-5. ISBN 978-0-321-54576-3.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

Week 4: Organism selection

  1. Bat: Compared to many flying organisms the bats wings are structurally larger than their body, from what I know now the support of the wings look like they have derived from phalanges, the bend in their leg seems to follow the direction of humans, and the connection of the wings to body are all characteristics that spark my interest.
    1. Bat
  2. Skate: Biologically their means of locomotion in water with the pectoral fins, the anatomical location of biological features, (for example gills being ventral to their body), as well as how the anatomical characteristics may play in part to their electroreception, all characteristics in which spake my curiosity.
    1. Skate (fish)
  3. Chicken: An animal often in the daily lives of humans, yet the skeleton of this vertebra has many astonishing qualities including: the curvature in the neck, the heavy bone underneath the rib cage, and the size of wing bones comparative to the size of the actual wing, all in which I do not know a lot about and would be invested in doing research on.
    1. Chicken (specifically under bio/ addition to vertebrate information.

Week 5: Topics

  1. Reproductive System: the Microbat wiki page has limited information on the reproductive structures of micro bats. As in how their anatomy contributes to how they mate as well as how the female anatomy is structured to carry and birth their young. Possibly more info on their pelvic bone and how it can cary the young for such extended periods of time and how it gives birth. Relative to hanging upside down and birth, how the small structures (ex: pelvis) are viable because of not putting any weight onto them, and how this might different in females because of birth.
    1. http://www.allaboutbats.org.au/biology/ : [1] (Time, birthing, seasonal information)
    2. https://sudartomas.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/reproductivebiologyofbats.pdf [2] (Chapters 4,5, and 8)
    3. Bats: a book by Phil Richardson[3]
    4. https://www.britannica.com/animal/bat-mammal/Form-and-function[4]
  2. Another characteristics in bats that is not mentioned in detail is their upside down lifestyle. Hanging upside down during sleep and hibernation, would drastically effect their anatomy both internally and relative to their skeletal anatomy. I'd like to focus on why they hang this way and in what ways their bodies are adapted to be in this position for such ling periods of time. If information is accessible I'd like to do more research on the weight of the skeleton. Also how the phalanges effect/protect them as they are sleeping and in hibernation and how their shapes effect that they are the only real "flying" mammals.
    1. http://www.bats.org.au/uploads/members/Care-and-Rehabiliation-of-Microbats-V3-Mar14.pdf[5] (page 10)
    2. Why do bats hang upside down?
      1. https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.plu.edu/docview/1848937429?accountid=2130 [6]
    3. https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.plu.edu/docview/218993681?OpenUrlRefId=info:xri/sid:wcdiscovery&accountid=2130[7]

Week 6: Draft one of article


"Bats from Evolution to Conservation" Notes

  • Aerofoils: The bats wing acts as one- low pressure above the wing and high above creating net aerodynamic force that lifts the wings (37).
    • Gliding vs flapping bat
  • Physiology and biomechanics of flight (start 46): Bat adaptions to supply enough energy to continually fly with how costly flying is.

Flight and its componential parts

Flying has many positive contributions to the species that participate in this form of travel. One of these includes options of migration, covering large masses of land for resources because of distance coverage in a day as well availability to cross land masses that are difficult to cross on land, such as mountains, water and desserts. Yet, flight does not come at a cheap expense. It takes a lot of energy, a sufficient way of respiration and metabolic transfer to the flight muscles. Energy supply to the muscle's engaged in flight require double the amount to those animals that do not use flight as a means of transportation. In parallel to energy consumption, oxygen levels of flying animals is twice as much than that of their running transportation counterparts. As blood supply controls the amount of oxygen supplied throughout the body, the organs and systems functioning in blood supply must respond accordingly. Therefore it is not shocking that, compared to a terrestrial traveling animal of the same relative size, the bat's heart can be up to three times larger (dissect this part compare it to relatively other smaller mammals). In comparison to other animals that do fly (birds), bats have lower oxygen consumption rates relative to body mass. Relative to blood supply compared to birds, bats have more red blood cells and those red blood cells contain more hemoglobin resulting in more oxygen supply to the muscular structures that need them for flight. [8]

So the bat page has some information on reproduction already including the separation of the pelvic girdle, as well a section for torpor. But I found some info on how mothers decide to go about energy saving and intake during pregnancy that could be added.

Torpor which is a reduced physiological activity may be taken advantage of during harsh conditions when food expenses cannot be met. It is stated that one can reduce energy requirements by becoming heterothermic. Female little brown bats have shown to become heterothemic during early stages of reproduction but stop before lactation and prior to birth. The mother being in a heterothermic state during the entire cycle of pregnancy suggest the fetus cannot fully develop under those circumstances.[8]

Books at the lib and focus chapters:

These books provide a solid amount of information about their flight a section of the microbat wiki page that is lacking that we could contribute to with this info.

  1. "Bats of the United States and Canada"[9] (Focus Pages: Biology-8; Reproduction and Longevity-46; Bats and wind power-64; specific details-What species of bat are we getting?)
  2. "Bats From Evolution to Conservation)"[8] (Chapters: 1-Yangochiroptera; 2-Flight; 5- Birth Reproduction and development;
  3. "Bats: A Natural History"[10] (Chapters: 2-Form and function; 7-reproduction and development; 8-Anatomy and development of echolocation)
  4. "Ecology of Bats"[11] (Chapters: Chapter 2-part 2 and 3.5; Chapter 4-for Jimmy; Chapter 5-3.2, Chapter 6-2.1 Flight and Wing Morphology, 2.2, 2.4,)
  5. "bats"[12] (Chapters: 9-Wings in the Dark; Image- A little brown bat-8)
  1. ^ Burnett Mary Regional Group. "All About Bats".
  2. ^ Crichton, Krutzsch, Elizabeth, Philip (2000). Reproductive Biology of Bats. San Diego California: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-195670-9.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ Richardson, Phil. The Secret Lives of bats. Whittet Books.
  4. ^ Wilson, Don. "Form and Function in Bat".
  5. ^ Lyons, Wimberley, Rachel, Trish. Introduction of the Care and Rehabilitation of Microbats. Wildcare Australia Inc.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^ WHY DO BATS HANG UPSIDE DOWN? (2016, Dec 15). US Fed News Service, Including US State News Retrieved from https://ezproxy.plu.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1848937429?accountid=2130
  7. ^ Rankin, W. T., & Lewis, N. G. (2002). Bats in the classroom: A conceptual guide for biology teachers. The American Biology Teacher, 64(6), 415-421. Retrieved from https://ezproxy.plu.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.plu.edu/docview/218993681?accountid=2130
  8. ^ a b c Altringham, John (2011). Bats From Evolution to Conservation : Second Edition. India: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-920711-4.
  9. ^ Harvey, Altenbach, Best, Michael, j. Scott, Troy (2011). Bats of the United and Canada. Baltimore, Maryland: The John's Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-1-4214-0191-1.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. ^ Hill, Smith, John, James (1988). Bats: A Natural History. England: University Of Texas Press Austin.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  11. ^ Kunz, Thomas (1982). Ecology of Bats. New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation. ISBN 0-306-40950-X.
  12. ^ Allen, Glover (1939). bats. New York: Dover Publications, INC.

Week 9


Bat websites based on hearts:





The comments were much appreciated, our team has come to more of a consensus to what our focus will be. I also added proper citations to mine, as well as added another source. Our focus in lab for dissection will be the bat heart. To look at the anatomy, circulation in relation to how it pumps the blood in one direction, and ratio relative to the size of the rest of the body. Hopefully finding more information on how the size relates to the surviving functions and making comparisons to other vertebrates such as the humming bird. Specifically edits could be made under the blood section on the Bat page mentioning its higher oxygen levels and then continuing on the how the bat uses its heart to pump the blood.

Focus: Heart-relating to rate

Addition to Micro-bat page Under characteristics or . Adding a picture of the relative ratio of the bat heart to the bat on the page, as well as how the heart is positioned inside the body to show the transversal positioning.

It takes a lot of energy, a sufficient way of respiration and metabolic transfer to work the flight muscles. Energy supply to the muscle's engaged in flight require double the amount to those animals that do not use flight as a means of transportation.[1] Bats rely on carbohydrates or fat from their food supply and the carbohydrates consumed for energy in flight for bats, have to be stored in a hydrated form (and this means that eight times the amount of energy is necessary to be lifted that in a fat)(55).[2] In parallel to energy consumption, oxygen levels of flying animals is twice as much than that of their four walking/running transportation counterparts.[1] As blood supply controls the amount of oxygen supplied throughout the body, the circulatory system must respond accordingly. Therefore it is not shocking that, compared to a terrestrial traveling animal of the same relative size, the bat's heart can be up to three times larger.[1] The enlarged size of the heart effects how it is associated (positionally) inside the body and are typically more elongated and or rotated. Specifically, bats of the Yangochiroptera have a transverse/horizontal positioning (shown in figure- we would add how it is associated in the body).[2] In a microbat, the heart rates can reach from 900 to1000 beats per minute.[2] Thats only 200 beats away from that of an active humming bird.[2][3] For these micro bats, during torpor, heart rates can drop to 40-80 per minute, and during hibernation these rates can drop to 20 beats per minute.[2]

Comment from Lianne

This is a great draft Frankee! What you wrote is thorough and you were able to include information from a lot of sources as well as link relevant Wikipedia pages. Caduceus19 (talk) 02:15, 10 April 2018 (UTC)

  1. ^ a b c Cite error: The named reference :0 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ a b c d e Cite error: The named reference :1 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ "Humming bird facts". Ole Miss University.

Week 10-13 Edits


After reading through both micro bat and bat pages and understanding my contributions, I will be adding to the bat page under "Internal Systems" before it starts talking about the digestive system. Making connections to the heart, circulatory system, microbat, and humming bird, pages on wikipedia.

Regarding the image: we have taken a close up image of the bat heart, and I hope to compare it to its relative body size.

It takes a lot of energy, a sufficient way of respiration, and efficient circulatory system to work the flight muscles of bats. Energy supply to the muscles engaged in flight require about double the amount compared to the muscles that do not use flight as a means of mammalian locomotion.[1] In parallel to energy consumption, blood oxygen levels of mammalian flying animals are twice as much as those of their terrestrially locomoting mammals.[1] As the blood supply controls the amount of oxygen supplied throughout the body, the circulatory system must respond accordingly. Therefore, compared to a terrestrial mammal of the same relative size, the bat's heart can be up to three times larger, and pump more blood.[1] The large size of the heart creates a greater cardiac output throughout the bats body.[2] Cardiac output is directly derived form heart rate and stroke volume of the blood;[3] an active microbat can reach from 900 to 1000 beats per minute.[4] That is only 200 beats away from that of an active humming bird.[4] During torpor, heart rates can drop to 40-80 beats per minute, and during hibernation these rates can drop to 20 beats per minute.[4] With that being said, the greater heart size allows for more blood to be pumped throughout the body per minute increasing the oxygen supply to the body from the blood. The large heart size also allows for a wide range of heart rates dependent on the activity and metabolic needs, which are influenced by the energy consumption of the bat. All in all the bats necessary increased energy supply regulates the amount of activity for flight. The muscles and energy systems used by bats to initiate and sustain flight are unique and require increased oxygen/ blood supply. The unique cardiac anatomy of the bat allows the circulatory system to meet the demands of oxygen output for the muscles to engage in flight.

Jimmy's feedback

Hey! Good Looks! For minor improvement, I linked the stroke volume to an existing Wikipedia page and did the same on the actual Bat page also. Aside from that, the content is solid and flow well with other contents under the "Internal Systems", I am also editing in that section XD.

Lianne's feedback

I also think what you have is great Frankee! What you wrote is very detailed and I think the information flows well.

  1. ^ a b c Cite error: The named reference :0 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ Canals, Atala, Grossi, Iriarte, Mauricio, Cristian, Bruno, Jose (2005). "Relative Size of Hearts and Lungs of bats" (PDF).{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ Martini, Ober, Nath, Bartholomew, Petti (2015). Visual Anatomy and Physiology. Pearson. pp. 704 & 705. ISBN 978-0-321-91874-1.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. ^ a b c Cite error: The named reference :1 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).


  1. ^ Edmonds, Ennis (2012). Rastafari A Very Short Introduction. Great Britain: Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-958452-9.

Week 11: Image Draft


After Thumb/ add caption

Section relating to caption: The large size of the heart creates a greater cardiac output throughout the bats body[1]. Cardiac output is directly derived form heart rate and stroke volume of the blood[2].

Caption: Ventral view of free-tailed microbat (Genus Tadarida) displaying the relative size of the heart to the rest of the body. Specimen from the Pacific Lutheran University Natural History collection. (put in length and width of bat while extended. As well as length and width of heart).

Ventral view of free-tailed microbat (Genus Tadarida) displaying the relative size of the heart to the rest of the body. Specimen from the Pacific Lutheran University Natural History collection.
  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference :3 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ "Regulation of Cardiac Output". University of Washington.