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Libr 2100 Assignment


Writing style Business Style[edit] Business style is very similar to technical style, except that longer sentences[citation needed] are acceptable. The phraseology is likely to be somewhat more subjective, with relatively more opinions rather than facts.

Conversational Style[edit] Conversational style is identified by the use of personal pronouns, contractions and colloquialisms, and letters[clarification needed] and other differences in vocabulary and grammar representing a different linguistic register.

observation:The article does not follow wikipedia standard. First of all, wikipedia articles are supposed to be unbiased. Second, the article needs more citations and some of the links do not work. As far as wikipedia articles go, this one needs a lot of help.

New Passage and Citation


In general writers today choose a neutral style when it comes to diction but sometimes writers choose informal or formal styles depending on what they are writing.

Formal: None conversational english, often bigger words are used such as "contemplate" and "appearance".

Informal: consist of less sentence structure and more conversational language. Therefore, it is informal in diction and sentence structure. It is considered to be the language of the soldier or the man facing the threat of death.

Mountstudent (talk) 21:59, 21 August 2015 (UTC)




In general writers today choose a neutral style when it comes to diction but sometimes writers choose informal or formal styles depending on what they are writing. Formal is none conversational english, often bigger words are used such as "contemplate" and "appearance". Informal consist of less sentence structure and more conversational language. Therefore, it is informal in diction and sentence structure. It is considered to be the language of the soldier or the man facing the threat of death.

My new sources briefly describe the passage that I am working on. They talk about style and how it is used in writing.





Mountstudent (talk) 01:25, 28 July 2015 (UTC)

[4] Hillaryrachelb (talk) 14:49, 27 July 2015 (UTC)

[5] Hillaryrachelb (talk) 14:49, 27 July 2015 (UTC)

[6] Oliviabiermann (talk) 15:03, 27 July 2015 (UTC)

  1. ^ Smith, J. (2013). Write and revise for publication: A 6-month plan for crafting an exceptional novel and other works of fiction. Georgetown: Writer's Digest Books.
  2. ^ Lunsford, A., Ede, L., Moss, B., Clark Papper, C., & Walters, K. (2012). Style. In Everyone's an author (pp. 513-590). New York: W.W. Norton.
  3. ^ Smith, J. (2013). Write and revise for publication: A 6-month plan for crafting an exceptional novel and other works of fiction (First ed., pp. 234-236). Writer's Digest Books.
  4. ^ Bazerman, C. (1980). A Relationship between Reading and Writing: The Conversational Model. College English, 41(6), 656-656. Retrieved July 26, 2015, from http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.msvu.ca/stable/375913?origin=crossref&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  5. ^ Kurt, A. A. (2011). PERSONALIZATION PRINCIPLE IN MULTIMEDIA LEARNING: CONVERSATIONAL VERSUS FORMAL STYLE IN WRITTEN WORD. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology, 10(3), 185-192.
  6. ^ Style in Business Writing http://pages.uoregon.edu/ddusseau/101/199/style.html