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User:Mr.Kore Jonah

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Mr. Jonah Kore Kiprono was born into a humble background in a rural village,Kasui in 1st October, 1991. Born to Mother Josephine Kipkore and Father William Kipkore, Jonah was socialized to Christian values as his parents were staunch Christians. Born as the 4th Child and Son in a family of 9 Siblings, Jonah grew up during his Village spending most of his infanncy in Home Village. A village  found in the present day Elgeyo Marakwet County, Marakwet East Constituency. He enrolled for his early Childhood education at Chesetan Preparatory school and later upgraded to lower primary Winding up his lower primary education in late 90s in the same school. During this time, Pokot- Marakwet war tone was very worry some. A conflict that political catalism and cattle rustling greed escalated it's intensity. The war left many dire Consequences both manifested in loss of innocent lifes, Livestock and denatured farming. His grandfather, Tomuu a famous and veteran Farmer was renown for growing of Bananas and his industrious and devotedness in farming. His dear dad followed the foot steps of his father becoming a very industrious man in hot jobs.

As the war and raids hiked, myriads of people began to think otherwise. Evacuation was an exception but an option for some who felt weary of the unrelenting loss of valuable lifes and property that went viral during the 2001 Murkutwo Massacre that left irreparable damages to many Marakwets. Sure for a deep Soul- searching to come up with a lasting solution to the dilemma, Jonah's father luckily found a relieving breath when a good Samaritan offered him a free land to live and cultivate temporarily as a domicile home in Trans- Nzoia. In 1999 the last quarter of the same year, a ripe idea to quit the tussled land was inevitable. The only task remaining was for Him and his siblings to conclude 3rd term before Evacuation. Mzee William had leased land to cultivate maize in Chebai same year and was dwelling there to harvest his yields to feed his family and raise school fees for his first born son who sat for KCPE exams in their former school.

  Fear and tesnsions escalated as series of attacks became sporadic and spontaneous together with  military disarmament operations that left many in jitters and ran for their safety. Untimely departure found Jonah and his family in a lorry ferrying wedding quests who were attending a wedding in Iten as an escape and an answer to the diemma  of raising fare for their eminent travel. After a rough travel following overloading  of the lorry, Landing Iten late hours in the evening was a reprieve and light at the end of the tunnel for exiting tussle land and moving to a promised land of tranquility. The entire crew Transnite in Iten awaiting the real day for the wedding resisting the cold weather of Iten for real day for the wedding. The next day, Jonah and part of his family members travelled to Eldoret to reunite with their dad and first born Son who had moved to aid Mzee William in hustle tussle.

   As merriment surrounded their longed reunion with their dad who was foreign based, the family began a journey to Chebai where Mzee leased land for cultivation. Hosted in their step mother home, His family coexisted and enjoyed 1999 Christmas in foreign locality and as visitors. William began construction of a new home to be habited by his family in a granted land without hesitation.He accomplished this with help of his eldest son, Steve Kipkore. Their hopes of damning the travelling for settling began to see light in a nutshell. What a coincidence a new, home, school,area,church ushered by a new year and millennium!

A blow whistle to kiss goodbye to hosting and end unending travel knocked doors for Jonah and His family to their domicile home. In late December, 1999, the inception for last kick of trans footing carrying luggage's like trans Saharan traders crossing the vast distance to market began as they left Hostage for new home to settle and peddle another chapter of life.  

Jonah was admitted to Kapsirowa primary school joining standard 3 and pursued his primary education from the same distant placed school from their home. He worked up at 4:00 am to save time for running to school. He walked bare footed to school every morning carrying with him packed lunch that sometimes became spoiled. His endurance and indomitable spirit to learn with passion so him push through thick and thin to sit for his KCPE exams in 2005 scoring good entry marks for High school. He was admitted to Chebara Boys Secondary School in 2006 and His journey to quench the quest for academics so him withstand all difficulties surrounding his smooth learning. After 4 years, a time came and his efforts to pass got a positive answer. His Scoring gave him a golden chance to join university having garnerd university entry points. Prior to joining university after baccalaureate exam results announced, Kore hustling began with teaching as a private teacher in many local schools at a meagre pay.

  He was admitted to pursue a Bachelor's Course in Animal Health Production and Processing from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology one of the Ivy league Universities in Kenya.He reported in 2011 pushing through high and lows. a real struggle that was marked by missing basic needs and financial challenges.

As a scholar in his 3rd  year of study,Kore discovered his passion to educate, Motivate and Write. It was during his attachment that principal of Moi Girls Kapcherop offered him a chance to offer free motivation for the girls. In his final year of study prior to his graduation, Mr. Jonah Kore wrote his souvenir book " The Root Cause and The Cure" a self-help, Inspirational and Educative Book to enlighten many people on the Root causes of Human vices and Habits that hinder their self- prowess. A book that it's publishing delayed due to financial challenges that marred the publication process.

  Currently Jonah Kore is a writer focussing, Educative, Story books, Biographies and Inspirational books while working as a motivational speaker and Advising Consultant in his Company, Reoglobe Consultancy Limited. That offers, motivation,coaching, Books selling, Mentorship, Speech and Books writing, Research and Public sensitization and awareness