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Red Vs Blue Locations


Original Series




Location of the main bases and the location where most of the series takes place. The canyon poses a complex cave network and a large hill path by Red Base, which is used for spying.

Blue Base

Home to Church, Tucker, Caboose and Sheila. The base was attacked by the reds at the start of Season 2, but they quickly withdrew. After the teams transported to a different location to chase O'Malley, Sheila was left in the Canyon. Wile they were away she made numerous upgrades to blue base. After the series end, the base became home to Sister. The base has a malfunctioning teleporter that harms any users and coats their armor in a black sticky something.

Red Base

Home to The Red team. The base has so much equipment lying around that Sage was able to make 3 robot bodies and one cyborg (Simmons 2.0) After the teams chased O'Malley, the base was left with no occupants, but somehow was upgraded like blue base. After the series ended Sarge and Lopez became the only inhabits as Simmons and Grif were called way and Donut's location is unknown.


A series of caves on the side of the canyon. Doc and O'Malley hid inside them during the final half of season 2. Later Red team returwegned to the canyon via the tunnels. The tunnels also seem to lead to the underground cavern.

Caboose’s Mind (Hang 'Em High)


First appeared when Church worked with Tex to remove O'Malley Caboose’s Mind. While inside, Church saw what Caboose thought of everyone else, and also seeing that the inner Caboose was quite intelligent. When they returned some time later, they found that Cabooses mind was rotting as a result of many things (Mostly O'Malley). It’s unknown if the Inner Caboose is Caboose’s true self. Cabooses mental images of everyone include:

Church: A jerk sidekick who cusses all the time.

Tucker: A stupid slob.

Sarge: Has a pirate voice mistaken for a southern accent.

Grif: (Yellow) Stupid and afraid of Caboose.

Simmons: Stupid and afraid of Caboose.

Donut: Is a girl.

Sister: Is imagined to be Church's twin brother who came on a spaceship from the moon. He says he lives with Caboose in the front of the ship, while everyone from the end of the ship lives on the opposite end of the island. Despite being Caboose's own thought, Yellow Church/Mental Sister admits that this is an inherently flawed idea, but doesn't care.

Underground Caves (Waterworks)

A set of underground caves beneath Blood Gulch. When a character is buried they seem to wind up on the floor of the caves. It is also the location of a computer that Vic (and later Vic Jr.) uses.



Church's original base. All members of Blue team were killed when Tex showed up some time earlier. When the group chased O'Malley, the ended up meeting here. It's believed it was destroyed and turned into Burial Mounds (See below).

Red Base

The red base at Sidewinder. Church and Grif were imprisoned here temporarily upon their arrival, all members of Red team were killed by Wyoming.

Beaver Creek


While chasing O'Malley, Sarge and Caboose wound up in this location. This location is host to a red team and blue team who constantly kill each other, but somehow come back to life moments later. It's believed that the two teams and the location itself is a game of capture flag being played by real world players, making Beaver Creek some kind of alternate dimension.

Chiron TL34 (Janitor's Closet)


Wile chasing O'Malley, Simmons wound up in this location. While it's unknown if it is still the Sparten training facility in this universe, Simmons was able to use the transporters to save Caboose and Sarge, and later teleport to Sidewinder. It is constantly refered to as the Janitor's Closet.



A facility built by aliens years earlier. Church found himself here after the bomb went off. He also discovered Gary (Wyoming's A.I.) planted here. With Gary's help he was able to transport away and try (And fail) to alter the timeline. Years later O'Malley and Lopez would use this as a base before the Reds and Blues showed up and removed them. Shortly after, the Blue team met the aliens and learned more about the "Great prophecy". The Facility is set to return in Red vs Blue Reconstruction.

Burial Mounds


After the Reds and Blues were blown into the Future, they wound up in this location. It’s believed to be the future Sidewinder after the bomb went off. However it’s unknown if this is true. Tucker, Caboose, the alien, and Andy would later pass thought here on their quest. The alien refers to this area as the “Great Burning Plains”.



Also known as the Great Swamp, Tex met up with the Quest group here. Tucker was also believed to be impregnated here as well. Earlier when the alien discussed the Great Burning Plains and the Great Freezing plains, Caboose guessed there were "some pretty wet plains in-between."



Also known as the “Great Freezing Plains”. The quest team ended up here and fought off the Beaver Creek Grunts. This location was also where Wyoming had his base, it’s unknown if it was here beforehand or after his encounter with the group. An alien ship was located here but destroyed by Wyoming.

Out of Mind and Recovery One




A city where Tex finds York. York’s apartment is also located here. Later, Washington and South have their battle with the Meta here.



O'Malley’s base. It was seen briefly during Season 4 but later became the battlefield between Tex, York, and Wyoming. This base was abandoned by O'Malley when he returned to Blood Gulch. Later on Washington would arrive to recover Delta.



In a flash back it is shown to be a facility where Tex was stationed at when O'Malley went rouge, she escaped after escaping Wyoming (Or someone in the same kind of armor).





Home of military outpost 17-B Valhalla. All the Reds and Blues (except 1) were killed by O'Malley and later the Meta. Agents of the Freelancer program arrived and secured the area. This is where Tex’s ship crashed after the events of BGC.

Rat's Nest


After the Blue team was relocated, Caboose was sent here. He annoyed the blue team quite often, destroyed their vehicles, and was responsible for some deaths. Later Washington showed up and took Caboose with him, but was followed by the Meta.

High Ground


After the Blue team was relocated, Church was sent here. But by some twist of fate he was the only person reassigned here. He later joins Washington and Caboose but returns when South is fighting the Meta.

Category:American films Category:Comedy science fiction films Category:Film serials Category:Rooster Teeth Productions