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User:Mr Grease/EJ Topping, Author

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EJ Topping
Born(1947-08-14)August 14, 1947
Boston, Massachusetts
Alma materNortheastern University
Occupation(s)Author, Speaker, Trainer, Motivator, Career Coach
Known forAuthor, Instant Creativity, Philosophy
SpouseTess Roman
ChildrenNoel (1968), Autumn (1982), Amber (1982),Aaron (1983), Sean (1991),Kimberly (1998), Kevin(1992),Voniquer (1986)
Parent(s)Hank Topping and Martha Ridley
WebsiteInstant Creativity Site

EJ Topping, Author

EJ Topping is a notable author in that his book, "Creativity, God, & The Sexual Itch" [1] contains his ten year study on "The Master Key to Creativity" which is the definitive work on the methodologies and mechanisms that stimulate autonomous creativity. It is this book that got him accepted into Synecticsworld, the new name for Synectics Inc[2] renowned worldwide as experts on creativity. Ej wrote "the Master Key to Creativity" in 1982 and 29 years later it is being released in its original form.

Having read the book, ("Creativity, God, & The Sexual Itch"), I can report that his treatment of the “Origin of God” not only provides a scientific basis for the probability of a “Greater Power” (God), but he addresses the universal indoctrination of children based on culture and provides an avenue for mutual understanding.

In response to EJ's email request for Steven Hawking's opinion on his "The Origin of God", Sam Blackburn, [3] Professor Hawking's technical assistant replied with, "...your treatment of the "Big Bang" and the theoretical probabilities and suppositions that you present in your "Origin of God" are congruent with our understanding of quantum mechanics. Very intriguing!" (a copy of the email is posted at the end of this writing)

"The Sexual Itch" is greatly influenced by "Character Analysis" and “The function of the Orgasm” written by Wilhelm Reich but it is not as much a serious work as it is a humorous and unique look at the libido in action. The phrase, "The Sexual Itch", that he originated in the eighties is spreading as a pop culture catchphrase.

In the "Philosophies" section of the book, his deep understanding of psychological scotoma and the impact of mental blindness as a self-preservation instinctual mechanism is elucidating as he provides a pathway for one to find his/her purpose in life.

Short Biography of EJ Topping

EJ was born in Boston, MA in 1947. His family was poor and at times, the only meal of the day was soup at a Catholic Rectory. At the age of six, his parents divorced and the state of Massachusetts took him , his one brother Paul and two sisters, Demaris and Elaine into custody at which time he was taken to St Ann's Orphanage in Methuen, MA. The Nuns had him take an IQ test upon observing his math skills and advanced vocabulary and nick-named him the little adult. EJ soon realized that being referred to as a young genius was unpopular and he began to manipulate his grades to blend in. Later, at twelve or thirteen, as a member of MENSA he coined the phrase, "Intelligence is a lonely place."

EJ's eternal optimism shines through when people make comments about his childhood being sad. In one of my interviews with him he said, "When you're in it you don't know any better. You think that this is the norm." He went on to remark about how great it was to have TV and three meals a day.

As a young adult, EJ studied Nuclear Physics with a minor in psychology at Northeastern University[4] and did some post grad studies at MIT but left school abruptly when his Boston based band signed with Bruce Patch Productions to do 3 albums with United Artists. He married his teenage sweetheart while in college and had one child before their amicable divorce. They remain lifelong friends.

EJ is an autodidact whose autodidactism probably began at about twelve when he became interested in hypnotherapy and discovered that he could learn more in the library than he could in school. By the age of seventeen, he had read most of the writings of Sigmund Freud, Gurdjieff's books including "The Fourth Way", The Tibetan book of the Dead (also known as the Bardo Thodol), The Bible, taught himself to speak Portugese and Russian, spoke French fluently, mastered the guitar and bass guitar, took vocal lessons from a book, studied chess and reached a 2000 rating with the USCF, and went on many Boston Public Library research binges on unrelated subjects like Nostrodamus, magnetism, gravity, Tesla, Robert Orben's book, "The Science of Comedy", The Koran and the Bhagavad Gita. He also built an x-ray machine for his Senior science project with an 01 cathode ray tube and a home built transformer.

In his middle years, he remarried and is the father of eight (two by marriage). As EJ got into business he gained a passion for the sales game and attended every sales and motivational seminar that was available including Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and many more. He then studied and researched sales processes and discovered the buyer's process and wrote a book entitled "Power Selling Secrets" which he has not published as it is the basis for one of his seminars.

As an entrepreneur, EJ has made millions and he has lost millions, yet always remains a happy optimist. He has started a successful employment agency, (APR International), a chain of drive-thru flower shops, (Floralane), a multi-level marketing company (MLM Records), developed an outplacement seminar (2-Hour Power Career Coaching), "Power Selling Secrets" seminars and Instant Creativity Seminars based on the above mentioned "The Master Key to Creativity".

At sixty-three years of age, EJ indicated to me in my last interview that his goal for the next ten years is to share his creative technology with the world so that greater minds than his can use these creative methods to improve the human condition and solve the "unsolvable" such as the Middle East, World Hunger, and the liberation of humanity from tyranny.

Although EJ loves his hometown of Boston, he currently resides in the Southwest because of the warm climate.

Copy of email from Sam Blackburn

EJ Topping show details 9/7/10

From: S.W.Hawking@damtp.cam.ac.uk Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 10:22 PM Subject: Your recent email to Professor Hawking To: ejtopp@gmail.com

Thank you for your email to Professor Hawking.

As you can imagine, Prof. Hawking receives many such every day. He very much regrets that due to the severe limitations he works under, and the enormous number of requests he receives, he is unable to compose a reply to every message, and we do not have the resources to deal with many of the specific scientific enquiries and theories we receive.

However, your treatment of the "Big Bang" and the theoretical probabilities and suppositions that you present in your "Origin of God" are congruent with our understanding of quantum mechanics. Very intriguing!

Please see the website http://www.hawking.org.uk for more information about Professor Hawking, his life and his work.

Yours faithfully

Sam Blackburn

Technical Assistant to Professor S W Hawking CH CBE FRS

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0WA. United Kingdom.



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