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The narwhal manatee wars of the new era. Economic sanctions imposed upon the narwhals by the manatees cause political, social , and economical havoc to the society of the narwhal culture. Long had the peace after the great manatee migration held threw the years of cultural unification in the age of the migration.

The manatee migration of the fourth era of the great sea travesty circa 46 manatia, left the once fertile lands of the manatees vast sea dominion in ruin. Excess and hedonism had diminished they’re once vast recources to a shadow of its former glory.
 The narwhals were a tribal spiritual society, a harsh yet fulfilling life and were in tune with the sea in which they lived.

The introduction of the manatee culturewas welcomed by the naive narwhal society. Over time the Manatees threw shrewd and ruthless political maneuvering had elevated themselves to the highest seat of power in the court of the narwhal. Over the narwhal way of life had become taboo and replaced with the old ideals of the manatee. By 57 Manatia, the narwhal way of life had been all but been outlawed by manatee law.

The old textile and ivory shops that had once been the seat of economic stability to the narwhal culture was in perils.

Poverty and crime resulted out of the loss of the once thriving textile mills.