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The other CNT ministers


Juan García Oliver, Juan López, Federica Montseny and Joan Peiró [1]

CNT stuff


"The second Congress of the CNT in exile, held in Toulouse in October 1947, removed him as the delegate in Spain of the exile movement, because of differences of opinion on how to organize the clandestine struggle in Spain." Liberto Sarrau Royes [1]

From the Statutes: "When various villages [but also possibly, especially if the original was in Catalan, districts of a city, etc.] constitute the Comarcal Assembly, the quota/allocation corresponding to the place should pass to the Primera."

Anarchism in Portugal


Acácio Tomás de Aquino


  1. ^ "Papers of the Spanish anarchist Liberto Sarrau Royes (1920-2001) at the IISH". Retrieved 31 January 2008.