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A presentation page for the user [1] (Lilian Besson ').Hello 👋!

I am currently teacher and researcher at the ENS Rennes, in Computer Science. In 2019, I completed a Doctorate in mathematics and computer science, at CentraleSupélec, Rennes campus, and I am a former student normalien of ENS de Cachan (2011/2016), now ENS Paris-Saclay. In 2021, I will become a professor in Computer Science in classes préparatoires (MP2I) in Lycée Kléber in Strasbourg.

I love teaching, and since September 2019 I have been responsible for preparing for the mathematics aggregation, Computer Science option, at ENS Rennes. I tried to diversify my activities as much as possible, and this page lists them in detail: TD / TP of Java in L1 at UniversitĂ© Rennes 1, introduction and general computer literacy in L3 Droit Économie Management, and for the Computer Science department: algorithmic (ALGO1 & ALGO2) in L3 informatics, Signal processing in M1 informatics, and the defenses of internships of L3 / M1 / ​​prelab. Furthermore, I also organize our research seminars, the research internship initiation for our L3 students, and laboratory visits twice a year.

I wish to become a computer professor in preparatory classes. During my thesis, I gave TDS in theoretical computing with ENSAI (Calculability, complexity, Turing machine 2016 / 18), and already blank training and oral for the "agrégation Maths, option Info" (64h / year). I have also taught in Preparatory classes and Engineering School, Mathematics and Computer Science:

  • Between 2017 and 2019, I gave practical sessions in PSI at LycĂ©e Joliot-Curie and MPSI in LycĂ©e Chateaubriand in Rennes;
  • In 2015/2016, math oral exams and practical sessions of Python programming info in MP LycĂ©e Lakanal;
  • And throughout the year 2014/2015, I participated in the creation of the engineering school Mahindra École Centrale in Hyderabad in India ([2], [3] and [4]).

I am also passionate about programming, on my free time (a little OCaml, a lot in Python and Bash] on Ubuntu, and a little HTML / CSS / JavaScript] for the Web.

You can contact me by email at Naereen [AT] crans [.] org (replace [AT] by @ and [.] by.) or other addresses.

I am mainly interested in the following topics on Wikipedia, in French and English:

  • "practical" computing: software, GNU / Linux tools, web technologies;
  • cinema and music (especially films and video games);
  • mathematics (fundamental and applied, in particular numerical analysis);
  • theoretical computer science (algorithms, graphs, logic);
  • North American, French and British television series (SF, sitcoms), Japanese anime, etc.

You can also find me on other web pages:

This user is a Wikipedian.