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'www.babavrindavan.org'[1]Babanarayan’s (Narayan Prasad Shiwakoti) desire to render service to Shri Radhakrishna is unlimited. Due to his pure and intense love for Shri Radhakrishna he has been getting Darshan of Lord Krishna from 1996, whereas first Shri Krishna appeared in a dream in the form of Bal Krishna, the child or baby form of Shri Krishna. The divine vision has changed Baba’s life completely, even though outwardly he remained an ordinary person leading a householder’s life. It is the unalloyed devotion and unflinching faith as well as the vast humility which made Baba able to see Lord Shri Krishna and taste His divine and absolute sweetness (bliss). Such an experience cannot be achieved by any material means and is experienced by Saints and true devotional Seekers only. It is not only due to humbleness and devotion that Baba received God’s grace, but also due to his inherent attitude of simplicity. Considering dreams like Baba’s, we should understand that they are not ordinary in kind, but exceedingly rare and in its characteristic magnetizing and absolutely pervading to the bottom of the soul. As if embracing God directly. Baba’s Origin/Background Babanarayan - Narayan Prasad Shiwakoti Bhardwaj with secular name - was born in July 1963, (on the auspicious occasion of Ashad Sukla Dwadashi - one day after Harisayani Ekadashi) in the hilly area of eastern Nepal – in Terathum, into a family of farmers as the first child, delivered in a cow shed. After delivery he would cry all day long up to he was brought far up the Himalaya to the Pathivara Temple. Feeling embraced by the divine energy of Maha Pathivara (Durga) he very soon after stopped crying.

He passed his youth like other children, but already in early age he naturally felt inclined to philosophical talk and the more profound world. How so ever, after having completed the secondary level of school he went to study law in Kathmandu where he was challenged facing different difficult types of situations. Almost penniless as he was, having no father anymore supporting him due to early death, to survive in Kathmandu and far away from his previous home was very difficult. The struggle was immense. Not only he needed to look after himself, but because of having married at the early age of 17 he had to provide for his own family as well. Despite the continuous struggle and circumstances of great hardship he was still hopeful to conquer difficulties finally, by getting the degree of a lawyer. But, because of being kindhearted and gentle by nature, he, after two years of practice, realized, that to work not only for the sake of the good, but to manage a partly bloody business be dealing with criminals as well, was certainly the wrong choice. Thus Baba no further felt to continue this way like. He rather felt renunciation to this material joyless-like world. Naturally being inclined to the spiritual world and urgedby the circumstances, he started to more and more deepen and immerse to the divine path, invoking and worshipping Lord Shri Krishna. All along, whenever Baba met or came across a devotee or monk he felt adoration looking up to him supposing getting his bless. Continuous struggle and disappointment in life made Baba definitely turn towards the spiritual path. Nevertheless, difficulties on the material level were keeping ongoing. So Baba tried to find another means for income to cover his daily expenditures. Due to an upcoming pro-democratic violent movement in 1990 Baba took the opportunity to engage himself in writing sense and thus published his first book. Internally he continued deepening spiritual practice. The more the years passed the more Baba’s yearning after Shri Radhakrishna rose, so that ultimately it culminated in the unprecedented sight of Lord Krishna in the form of a transcendental, divine dream mentioned above.

The following years after publishing his first book, Baba was somehow always able to cover his expenditures even though sometimes in a very tight frame.

Now looking back, Baba considers all the circumstances and incidents happening - previous, present and coming into being - as mere blessings from the side of Shri Radhakrishna. If there were no such obstacles for him to overcome, he would have turned his focus to a much, much minor or ultimately insignificant direction which won’t ever bring so much happiness, confidence and peace, as he has experienced and is experiencing still now again and again. According to Baba, the taste achieved on or by the material platform is just a mirage or perverted, delusive reflection of the taste which is provided by the Real and Absolute Platform, which taste is pure satisfaction and divine bliss. But Baba makes clear, that the bliss granted by God or Lord Krishna would not depend on anyone’s greatness of being, but depends on God’s blessing alone. Thus he considers himself rather an ordinary or insignificant being who hasn’t done any great things in life. Accordingly Baba instead of speaking highly of himself rather likes to talk about the mysticism of Shri Radhakrishna and praise God in all the ways it is related to in the holy Scriptures of Shrimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavat Gita, Ramayana etc. For further details www.babavrindavan.org

  1. ^ Baba Vrindavan Nikunja Dham Trust