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4 Classes of copper in proteins


Relative features of the four classes of copper in proteins [1]

Different copper sites in proteins lead to different classes of copper proteins which are classified as: 1) type 1 or blue copper proteins; 2) type 2 or mono nuclear catalytic copper proteins, 3) antiferromagnetically coupled binuclear copper (II) proteins, 4) Cu A or binuclear copper (I) proteins Cite error: The opening <ref> tag is malformed or has a bad name (see the help page).

Jahn-Teller distortion in blue copper proteins


Jahn-Teller distortion[2]

The blue copper ligand field effect on the oxidized site. (A) shows the energy level diagram of an ideal tetrahedral structure which is orbitally degenerated and (B) shows the orbitally degenerated C3v structure; both have Jahn Teller distortion. (C) represents the Cs structure with no Jahn Teller distortion and D shows the splitting of the 3dxy level and 3dx2-y2 level by 10 000 cm-1 Cite error: The opening <ref> tag is malformed or has a bad name (see the help page).

Coordination properties in copper proteins

Summary of relevant coordination properties in type I copper proteins

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Summary of relevant coordination properties in type II proteins

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Summary of relevant coordination properties in type III copper proteins

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Summary of relevant coordination property in CuA proteins

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  1. ^ Harry B. Gray, E. I. Stiefel, E. Valentine, J.S (2006). Biological Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity . Calofornia: University Science Books. p 251.
  2. ^ Solomon EI, Szilagyi RK, George SD, Basumallick L. “Electronic Structures of Metal Sites in Proteins and Models: Contributions to Function in Blue Copper Proteins”. Chem. Rev. 2004, 104 (2). p 419 – 456.