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Nerdmaster was born in 1742, just before the World War III began, and barely after Mozart had colonized the last sector of the Orion Nebula. Nerdmaster proved himself a worthy adversary to the evil Lord Roger Rabbit and a dangerous and cunning foe. It was with great sorrow that he set out to destroy LRR's secret hideout, because though LRR was spreading Intergalactic Kiddie Porn throughout the galaxy, he wasn't paying his taxes on time, and that's DANGEROUS.

Today, Nerdmaster likes to keep up on his hobby website (link will not be posted here as he is afraid of the Wikipedians who may devour his soul for "advertising") and date underaged Turkish prisoners. Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?

So the Nerdmaster sought out to banish intergalatic kiddie porn to the Endwell galaxy. In this he was successful, but he could not escape the extreme funkin from Marky Mark and his Funky Bunch.

Soon afterward, the Funky Bunch grew tired of Marky Mark and decided to quit the band. Now the Funky Bunch runs a chain of successful laundromats in Worcester, Mass., the Commonwealth.

Meanwhile, Marky Mark made pancakes. With syrup.

But all was not well with the Funky Bunch. Without the incredible allure of Marky Mark, they were unable to build The Ultimate Harem Gladiatorial Extreme Deathmatch. Fighting broke out, and it wasn't the fake shit you see on TV these days. No, sir. Real, bloody, brutal, and somewhat sexy. When the dust settled, amidst the bodies of the Funky Bunch's harem, the Rebel Alliance stood alone.

The rebels seized control of the Intergalactic Kiddie Porn ring, and the worst fears of Nerdmaster came true. The kids were freed, Lord Roger Rabbit was given sanctuary, and there was to be no more tax money generated from the vast sales of such titles as "NAMBLA VI: Exploiting Space Children."

Nerdmaster tried to reassemble the Funky Bunch by offering them pancakes. But due to his horrible memory, he forgot the syrup, and only Marky Mark was willing to meet with Nerdmaster to discuss the problem.