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Flute Alto flute Baroque music

I give recitals mainly at art galleries and the occasional arts festival



Since Edmund Husserl "The Crisis of the European Sciences" there has been a major need for practitioners of Philosophy and more particularly Philosophy of science to become involved in the issues that arise in the intersection of the conceptual objects and technology derived from science, and the life world.

I presently implement my philosophy working as a teacher in the remote regions of Australia. I seek to mitigate the impact of globalisation on the life world of children through education. More specifically to use the tools of philosophy to increase the life chances of students in these regions. I occasionaly teach at university and have postgraduate qualifications.

Mathematics Differential geometry and topology



Working in remote regions I can enhance my practices and understanding of "Verstehen".

Antipositivism Phenomenology Pierre Bourdieu Znaniecki



Alice Springs, Northern Territory

Ancient mountains surrounded by some of the hottest desert country in the world. Thousands of kilometres from any major city. Local tribe are the Arrernte people. Ecology is based around the beautiful River Red Gum. Very spiritual place if you can escape from the tourists.

Wikipedia Philosophy


Everyday I observe the impact of globalisation on the life chances of tribal culture. One negative criticism of Wikipedia is related to the globalisation of knowledge. I can see that globalisation is inevitable, one needs to be involved to make it work in a positive way particularly for those on the fringe of modern culture.

To this end perhaps I can contribute to Wikipedia in a positive way, perhaps to include knowledge related to the unique perspective tribal culture can bring to the modern world. Chief Seattle

In the short term some of the pages I have linked to here are asking for people to help "clean them up". Perhaps I may be able to update them and perhaps add better citations.

Future Wikipedia Goals


I will try and contribute to the page on Stanisław Ossowski (see my discussion page). I was fortunate to attend philosophy classes given by a former student of Stanisław. I have spent many hours reading in the field of Humanistic Sociology. Also I notice the page on Florian Znaniecki does not have an entry on the "humanistic coefficient". To me this is like an encyclopaedia article on Edmund Husserl without a reference to the phenomenological reduction. In the article on Znaniecki the author refers to the "humanist principle" this is highlighted but it does not have information at the linked page. I suspect that this may be the writer’s reference to the "humanistic coefficient".

Conceptual objects missing from Wikipedia


humanistic coefficient

"an observer of cultural life can understand the data observed only if taken with the” humanistic coefficient”, only if he does not limit his observation to his own direct experience of the data but reconstructs the experience in the social context of the people involved"

paraphrased from "The Social Role of the Man of Knowledge By Florian Znaniecki" Originally published: New York : Harper & Row, 1968.