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Ninjagoliz (talk) 17:31, 11 December 2017 (UTC)


About me: Heyo its me ninjagoliz as you must know me as a deviantart artist,I have an obsession with ninjago and if you may please do me a favor and like vanessa please she is a hotter and sexier and way better girlfriend then that one bitch ass hoe seliel on my next blog im going to introduce her,If you would love to contact me and roleplay or something follow me on these social medias ill post down below,

What i love/Hobbies: Anywho i love to draw anime, I love sia, My other favorite show besides Ninjago is Ghost adventures, I love catz, i love to sing (even though im bad), and i love being weird, and i love roleplaying.

Real name:Liz (either for Lizarrio or Elizabeth)



Grade:Highschool Freshmen

Gender: I consider my self a boy or girl (but as you see me i am a girl sadly)

Sexuality:Im bisexual (honestly it doesnt matter who you prefer god loves us all)

Relashion ship status: Single :-(

Favorite snack and drink: I love sugar donuts and kickstar

What im looking for: Hmm some fans who like me as a friend and likes vanessa a girlfriend i made for cole

Future: Your looking at a future tv producer who is going to make a show

Facebook page: Ninjago Art

Instagram: Cole_bucket_the_black_ninja or um duh_liz

Google +: Cole Bucket

Deviant Art: NinjagoLiz

Youtube: Cole Bucket

                        <Scroll down (if u want)...>

WTF YOU STILL READING? Well i have no other shit to say so um wait till i make my next story so um bye and dont forget seliel is a ugly bitch if u get mad cuz of this idk but uh yea lol see ya XD