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User:Nladi1/sandbox/Vidya Gastaldon

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Vidya Gastaldon Vidya Gastaldon was born in 1947 in Besançon, France. She works and lives between Geneva, Switzerland and Grande Neuve, France.

Biography and Career


Vidya Gastaldon was born in 1947 in Besançon, France. She studied at École supérieure d’art de Grenoble, France. From 1994 to 2001, Gastaldon collaborated with Jean-Michel Wicker. Early on, Gastaldon’s drawings contained the seeds of her pictorial work. The shift from the free, ethereal world of drawing to the materiality and physical power of acrylic paint is at the heart of her aesthetic interests. Gastaldon’s figurative painting depicts forms seemingly inhabiting wondrous worlds in which nature would have a magical force. Her cosmic representations give the appearance of a larger, complex ecosystem. Beyond paintbrushes and pencils, her artistic practice encompasses yoga, gardening as well as meditation and readings of sacred texts and comics. This diversity contributes to creating a protean world, harmoniously "split" between light and darkness, origins and apocalypse, micro- and macrocosms. Gastaldon nevertheless adheres to non-binary modes of representations. Spirits, allegories and divinities cohabit in dazzling and dazed landscapes that touch on the sacred and the secular, art history and the vernacular. Beyond references and appropriations, Gastaldon’s art essentially stems from visions; the artist describes herself as their mere vector or instrument. This approach is uncommon in the recent history of art. Her poetic, symbolic and fantastic universe, marked by a profound coherence and identifiable at first glance, never fails to surprise through the constant renewal of its forms. By resurrecting the narratives that punctuate human history and the models of a buried world, Vidya Gastaldon brings to the fore what has been lost and restores the possibility of spiritual communication.

Gastaldon’s work was exhibited in numerous group exhibitions, including recent shows at the Salon Suisse with a video titled Visionium (Venice Biennale, Italy, 2019) and at FriArt in the exhibition Discoteca Analitica (Fribourg, Switzerland, 2019). Other group shows include those at Wilhelm-Hack-Museum (Ludwigshafen, Germany, 2018-2019), Triennale d’Art Contemporain du Valais (Martigny, Switzerland, 2017), Art Bärtschi & Cie (2017), MAMCO (Geneva, Switzerland, 2017 et 2016) and Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Paris (2015). Recent solo shows include those at Art : Concept (Paris, France, in 2019, 2017 and 2016), Art Bärtschi & Cie (2017) and at Musée de l’Abbaye Sainte-Croix (2016). Vidya Gastaldon’s works are featured in several public art collections, including at Centre National des Arts Plastiques (France), Collection Bank Credit Suisse (Switzerland), Fonds Cantonal d’Art Contemporain (Geneva, Switzerland), Fonds Municipal d’Art Contemporain (Geneva, Switzerland), Kadist Art Foundation (Paris, France), Kunstmuseum Bern (Switzerland), MAMCO (Geneva, Switzerland), MNAM – Centre Pompidou (Paris, France) and Walsall Museum (Walsall, UK).

Solo Exhibitions (Selection)



  • J’aurais voulu qu’on s’aime tous, Wilde, Geneva, Switzerland


  • Objets peints au feu de Bois, Art : Concept, Paris, France


  • Capsule 1.40, Halle nord, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Push the Earth with your Knees, the Sky with your Head, Art Bärtschi & Cie, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Hello From the Other Side, Art : Concept, Paris, France


  • Les Rescapés, Musée de l’Abbaye Sainte-Croix, Les Sables d’Olonne, France
  • Hello From the Other Side, Art : Concept, Paris, France


  • I’m in Love with the New World, Art: Concept, Paris, France

Group Exhibitions (Selection)



  • Zahl, Rhythmus, Wandlung, Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte, Appenzell, Switzerland
  • Even the rocks reach out to kiss you, Transpalette – centre d’art contemporaine, Bourges, France
  • Géométries de l’Invisible, Espace de l’art Concret, Château de Mouans, Mouans -Sartoux, France
  • Zahl, Rhythmus, Wandlung, Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte, Appenzel, Switzerland
  • Crazy cruel and full of love, Kunstmuseum, Bern, Switzerland
  • Embrasser des espaces infinis, HiFlow, Geneva, Switzerland


  • Retour à Rome, Institut Suisse de Rome, Rome, Italy
  • By repetition, you start noticing details in the landscape, Le Commun, Geneva, Switzerland
  • everyday is eternity bound, WallRiss, Fribourg, Switzerland
  • La Pièce dans le Coin, complete Works, Geneva, France
  • Futur, Ancien, Fugitif, Palais de Tokyo, Paris France
  • Kashmir Yoga practice and Urban Flourishing, Loop screening of videos by Vidya Gastaldon, Jérémie Gindre and Kimsooja, S L O W - Salon Suisse at 58th International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale, Italy
  • Discoteca Analitica, Fri Art, Fribourg, Switzerland
  • Strategic Vandalism: The Legacy of Asger Jorn’s Modification Paintings, curated by Axel Heil and Roberto Ohrt, Petzel, New York, NY, USA


  • Auto Fictions – Contemporary Drawing, Prix de dessin Guerlain, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany


  • Projection de films d’artistes au centre d’art contemporain Chanot, Clamart, France
  • Geist Genf, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, Switzerland
  • Auto Fictions – Contemporary Drawing, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany
  • Loup y es-tu ? Bestiaire et Métamorphoses, Château de Maisons, Maisons-Laffitte, France
  • Out Of The Box, Les Editions Ardeïs et la Galerie Papiers Gras, Genève, Suisse
  • White Blood Blue Night, CAC La Traverse, Alfortville, France
  • Sundown, Art Bärtschi & Cie, Geneva, Suisse


  • Triennale d’art contemporain du Valais, Martigny, Switzerland
  • Collective V, Art Bärtschi & Cie, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Print! Musée de la réforme, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Peindre, dit-elle [Chap.2], Musée des Beaux-arts, Dole, France
  • En toute modestie – Archipel Di Rosa, MIAM – Musée International des Arts Modestes, Sète, France
  • Zeitgeist, MAMCO – Musée d’art moderne et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland
  • …Bestaires…, Frac Alsace, Cloître des Récollets, Saverne, France
  • Likeness, Fused, curated by Jessica Silverman San Francisco, Ca, USA
  • Les retrouvailles, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Brest, France
  • 4ème édition de la Triennale d’art contemporain Valais, Relais autoroutier du Saint Bernard, Martigny, Suisse
  • En toute modestie – Archipel Di Rosa, MIAM – Musée International des Arts Modestes, Sète, France
  • Print! Les premières pages d’une révolution, Musée international de la Réforme, Genève, Suisse
  • Beauty & Room, Palp Festival, Sion, Suisse
  • Drawing Now, Le Carreau du Temple, Paris, France
  • Archinature, Piacé Le Radieux, Piacé, France
  • Peindre, dit-elle [Chap.2], Musée des Beaux-arts de Dole, Dole, France

