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It's more than Eastward.
It's where we are and where we go.
If you ever arrive here, that's when you leave.
And from here there's no going home.
Praise Father,
Who gave us the road.

Full Contact, Trans-Dimensional Solipsism, the Only Game;


Official Rules:


A number of Reflections of God greater than two take up different positions in a void nothing. Two is the minimum number of players; but, the score of the game is limited by the number of players; and, God tends to prefer high-scoring games; so, getting together as many players as possible is ideal. Each player can take up any position within the agreed upon void nothing they choose. Their presence within the void nothing will warp it into having definition, namely an infinite space will proceed from each players position in every direction. This infinite space is each players 'Universe'.

Each players 'Universe' will be within an infinite distance of the 'Universes' of all the other players who gathered in the same agreed upon void nothing. This is the fundamental difference between trans-dimensional solipsism and uni-dimensional, also called legalistic or solitary, solipsism (uni-dimensional solipsism needn't, but can have multiple players; but, any players who acknowledge each other are instantly disqualified, which brings down the score, which can only be (number of qualified players)/1 at full (patrons of the game argue it's not the score, but how each player works individually to achieve it that is interesting)). The less than infinite proximity of each players infinite space in trans-dimensional solipsism causes each players 'Universe' to warp and bend around the demands of the pressures of the 'Universes' of nearby players. The goal of no-contact, or base, trans-dimensional solipsism is for all the players to, through passive moves, shift the pressures of their 'Universes' in an effort to achieve the fullest true expression possible of each 'Universe'.

The challenge lies in that each player initially tries to do this simply by exerting pressure in all directions, believing that each player striving in this manner will equalize the pressures, realizing the proper balance; but, players who attend the matter more thoughtfully often retract in some directions, to relieve pressures, which sets the whole field to tumbling. Base trans-dimensional solipsism is won when as many players as possible have brought their 'Universes' to the fullest expression possible given the size of the void nothing and the number and characters of the players, from whence God derives the statistics of the game (number of players/number of players at median).

Full-contact, or real, trans-dimensional solipsism takes the action a step further by adding active moves, which are illegal in most forms of the game. With active moves, players in full-contact trans-dimensional solipsism can, for a space of time, attempt to penetrate the natural barriers existing between their 'Universes' and the 'Universes' of the players around them. Players use passive moves in an effort to position themselves so that they will encounter as little natural resistance from the 'Universes' they intend to penetrate as possible before attempting the active penetration, from where they may attempt the tricky maneuver of concordant intercourse, which, if successfully preformed, will cause their 'Universes' to exchange and equalize pressures, fusing their proximal infinite spaces into one coefficiantly super-infinite space (where the coefficient is the number of players who successfully performed concordant intercourse). The goal of full-contact, trans-dimensional solipsism is for as many players in a given field as possible to use passive and active moves in a manner as graceful as possible to preform concordant intercourse with each other, generating the largest super-infinite space possible given the number and characters of the players, and therefore the largest possible score (because the 'Universes' which become successfully fused into a super-infinite space balance each others pressures, the size of the super-infinite spaces, and therefore the score of the game, is not limited by the size of the void nothing). Full-contact, trans-dimensional solipsism can be called and scored at any time (generally resulting in a score relative to scores in base trans-dimensional solipsism); but, because God prefers higher scoring games, most professional players will attempt to use passive moves to keep the game going until the players in a given field achieve maximum points (number of players*infinity^number of players at full, called love or perfect for short (the minimal, or loosing, score of any game is null(number of players*0/0 at naught), called hateful or void, resulting from a failure of any player to achieve qualifying universal equilibrium)), which can be exceedingly difficult given the complexities of super-infinite spaces moving at the wills of the multiple players contained within them. In fact, it is relatively common for super-infinite spaces to collapse under the stresses of their own contortions, tearing the 'Universes' they contain back apart, and extending the game into over time, which is, some say, why it's called 'full-contact' trans-dimensional solipsism.

'The only real game. This game really is Everything. A perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.'- Universal Authorities Press