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Hashti or Dlan-e-voroudi Hashti and Dalan-e-vorudi: In most of the traditional houses in Iran, After passing Sar-Dar (doorway) we enter another space called Hashti. Hashti was designed in different shapes like octagon, hexagon, square, and rectangle .The space with curved and narrow spaces called Rahro leads to courtyards.

The space has two functions.” Firstly, Hashti is considered as a division space, which separates space Andaruni from Biruni. Secondly, Hashti is a waiting space where people who want to visit the landlord of the home should wait in”. In more luxurious house there is more ornaments and a place to site in case the landlord and visitors conversation long more. In mosques, the Hashti enables the architect to turn the steps of the believer to the correct orientation for prayer hence giving the opportunity to purify oneself before entering the mosque.



Pirniya, Mohammad Karim, ‘An introduction to Iranian Islamic Architecture’, (Tehran, Souroshe Danesh, 2005), pp. 153-167
