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User:Nouf Saa/My Enemies, I Thank you

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My Enemies, I Thank you a book by sheik Dr.Salman Al Odah. It talks about dealing with people who disagree with you. The author says, addressing his opponents, "I am not describing you as enemies because I think so, no; but because I think that there are those who want us to be so and are doing there best for that. In deed, we are brothers and friends whether you like it or not" [1] ...

Quotes by Dr.Salman Al Odah

  • "It is not wise to think of people as either friends or enemies as if you were the center of the universe; many are not aware of your existance!"
  • "Experience taught me that it is wise to be patient and forbearing with opponents and to use the divine (cure/solutions) of repeling with what is best (then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.) Quran 41:34"
  • "My enemies, I thank you!

You are who trained me to be patient, to respond to the evil with the good and to overlook."

  • "It is regrettable to spend one's life in a battle that ends with no victory nor defeat, to consume it in another battle that ends with a defeat, and in a third that ends with his victory over his brother."
  • " I am grateful to some peopole who are as sharp as a sowrd edge; they tuaght me how to go on calmly and smiling."


  1. ^ شكرًا أيها الأعداء. / سلمان العودة_الرياض، 1431هـ، صفحة 16