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Republik Indonesia Serikat'

Republik indonesia serikat a variying name used by the dutch kingdom of luxemburg and netherlands since early endings of the 1940s. In 1950 the name would be used to enter the Chapter of the United Nations bit they failed to enter with thousands of islands. The registered islands states were named as the following : Java , Sumatra and Madura later changed into Palembang. The leaders of the new state would be in favor called prime minister Hatta and as president Soekarno or Sukarno in other sayings. Soekarno a young gratuated student who reached the status of becoming a new symbol to Indonesiya bit we forget saying he might have been the president years early of .. Malakka sometimes called Indonesiyah. President of ministers mister Hatta never knew something much of it. He just wanted his people to become liberated. Before the boss team commité of the registered islands states or federated registered islands states were of concern of mister Soekawatti who would leave for the Eastern parts of the east. Soekarno and Hatta would replace him a bit. Before Soekarno entered the Indisch Ocean he would favor to become leader of Java. All Kempetai at that time the Japanese infiltrated the Island and ofcourse Sumatra and Madura.. To for fill all of this magestic islands kingdom considered as a Federation. To say if it was a united country or netion would be different.

The trufest meaning of Indonesiyah Serikat or Republik Indnesiyah Serikat would be a doubt itself. A true meaning of freedom a commité and reheriyung as government would work on the indahnesiyah federation not federaidtion to raid one and another eventhough they kept it silent. The dutch commité recogniced sukarno on his held forbidden inaguration where he stated to be a good person and to work on it. No one knew what it was supaya jadi sepantas yang baik. The parts where Indonesiyah or Indunesiyah would etspant itself to New Guinia perhaps the thought bit different than New Guinea to Merahwke not to Merauke of the island Papua new Guinea a sort of misspelling. New Gujnia or new Guinia a compelled section of Laos,Malakka and Singapore later.. later seen as Malaysia , Laos and Singapore. The Brigade of South Malakka or Malakka Selatan was a tough brigade to expelle every mean drugs person. According to the Brigade minister Laransukkua at that time Malaysiyah was still called Indunesiyah and if others like to have such name they are under automatic control of our section. In realism the Serikat Federation of Indnesiyah of Java'Sumatra'Madura automatic fell under the UN commision for now to realise or to see if it's possible to be released from a drugs succesionate state for the nearest future. An etspansion was not allowed bit an expansion towards new guinea was allowed just for joking not to etspand for the future if so.. everyone is thrown out of the UN.

So as far as it went the leadershipment of Minister president Hatta as he would favor to be called not president minister was a doubtfull thought he said we were surrounded by thousands of humiliating dutch people and asked if we wanted to trade in drugs and i said yes.. and soekarno disagreed with hatta and later would not trust mister hatta anymore. In years to come they were seized four years because they agreed to trade in drugs and indahnesiyah was soon forgotten bit by the R.I.S commité they continued to work on a better prosper future to come. So In all silence Indunesiyah and freedom to all nations. If there was no other outcome in realism the name indahnesiyah was soon be replaced with indunesiyah or indonesiyah to indonesia.. We forget that in the early fourty's and fifty's there are more nations who got their freedom , bidstaete , south moluccas , and for an instance Hawaiiki.

Nations such as Malakka were devided into Singapore and Malaysia and soon a federation of indahnesyah would be something for the future again. In realism other regions such as the N.I.T .. Negara Indahnesiyah Timoer.. would have the status of not implementing drugs and tabaku notified as No Inmports Tjandutabaku. or no importance of Tjandutabaku. The president of that time Soekawatti (1946-1950) was living in a 16 partial state system a recogniced something by the Australians and Dutch governance bit different to the South Moluccas who was having a special status because of it's food boundary's as notified as Original Spice Islands for food beverages. The Northern Territory was guarded by the United States Marines of Mcarthur and soon would also be released as a nation in notifying them as a Sultanate of northern Molukhas. The most important thing was this thing the votinglister of voting who wanted to join indonesiyah or indonesia in favor of a long future. Many disliked to be under a drugs area or ariyah. So to complain was to vote them self in a new born state even Tibet could have joined them bit no worries they voted them selfes out.

So the main R.I.S was known as Java Sumatra Madura and later Java Sumatra Palembang.. No R.I is etsisting bit existing. Republik Indonesia is different a sort of media name not really a states name only passporting them selves for the media not in realism anymore. R.I.S changed into D.K.I .. something Democratic they said.. it them selves.. Seldom it enters the media their national pride is called timnas D'K'I. The R.I.S Formation was of concern from 1945-1950.. Bali seemed to be settled under Malakka (Singapore) where it has no important feeling to profile itself as indonesia or indunesiyah registered by Soekawatti himself as executive administration boss. And the island of Borneo fell under the administrations of the british empire not to mention even the Moluccas Group in early 1600s were safed by the british empire areas and spanish and portuguese ariya's brigades. New Guinea would continue under the Dutch Empire like Antilles and Suriname.. Bit Dutch Moluccas Group would enlist dutch language in schools at that time so they could enter a non Dutch Moluccan future name. All and all a R.I.S state would continue eventhough the dutch didn't like to say it anymore because of to much anger towards the truth. In 1965 they tried to overrule the state a bit by implementing republik indonesia on a stamp bit impossible to continue where the state would have no meaning to others only a federation no unity state. So in 2002 there.. a Indonesia would hold only for 2006 where it was disbanded because of world recognitions in Geneva of other nations such as Kalimantan Selatan , NTT, NTB ,Flores Kryke, South Moluccas , North Moluccas , West-Timor , West-New Guinea and their sections of names.. Bengkuluw and so on.. Malang settled under Singapore , Bali , Atjeh , Banda Atjeh.. also non mentioned in overwhelm.

https://www.fotw.info/flags/id-4550.html https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_State_of_East_Indonesia.svg