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L.T 6.1: DESIGNING A ONE HOUR LEARNING EVEN USING THE SEVEN STEPS OF PLANNING The care of a dying patient Who? Second year student nurses block 1 Educator Ntombifuthi Silinda BCur Ed Admin student Why? It is important and required that the student learn how to nurse a dying patient in the unit as part of their training What for? Objectives of the learning event: By the end of the lesson student should be able to: 1. Identify the critical indications of a dying patient 2. Outline or demonstrate how to break news to the family of a dying patient 3. Formulate nursing diagnosis and the nursing interventions of such a patient. What? 1. Assessment of the whole body. 2. Observe patient dignity and rights 3. Documentation of any changes. 4. Detailed cardex of all events. When? 24/04/18 09h30 to 10h45 hrs


Learners are there tp acquire knowledge so that they can make use of it. New information is vital to them as they convert it to personal information or knowledge as long as it is meaningful to them. It is then important for the educator to ask he students question about what they know relating to the topic in question so that they can grasp fully the concepts. Knowledge construction emanates form understanding the learning content and making it personal information. It is vital for students to define the learning process so that they find meaning of it and value. For the educator to conclude that learning has taken place information should be translated by the learner in meaningful experience. Learning activities should be designed in a way that they contribute to knowledge development. These should also be facilitated in a manner that stimulates the learners intellectually and challenges their analytic abilities. Learners tend to find solutions to these challenges once they understand the context of the lecture. At the initial stage of the lecture their previous or existing knowledge is brought in prior to the content in question to aide maximum involveness dismiss misconceptions and give proper information as an educator. This will then draw their attention. It is vital that the educator recognizes the learners existing knowledge into the learning process, This forms a base of teaching. Learners value he learning experience they bring into the learning situation as they relate the new content to previous situations. It is the educators duty to identify learners belief to modify or correct it need arises during a lecture or learning process. These should also be made known to the educator too. Learners should be allowed time to explore, ask questions and challenge the content. I possible hat the teacher must cheap in and offer or provide proper answers. It is then easier for the lecture to identify strength and weakness of his or her students. Students moral and confidence can be boosted once there is a word of praise after a job welldone. Hence it is always important to provide them with a platform to verbalize their concerns and say out their existing knowledge. The educator as the mediator helps learners to reconcile their personal knowledge which is the new learning content. “The more often we repeat what we have learnt the thicker and stronger the pathways become”. This is the interpretation of the learning process as it begins with the brain that is equipped with synapse and neuronal pathways. Ref. By Gravett, S. (2005)