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Cristina is an American 16 year old actress,model, singer/songwriter, and public speaker. Cristina was born November 10,2001. Cristina started her career as a public speaker and independent entrepreneur. She is the founder of “Stop Bullying, Start Loving!” And has appeared on many magazine issues such as “Discovery Girls 2016” and “Byou Mag” Cristina writes,”it’s hard living as a teen, feeling suicidal, depressed and scared of people. It’s hard to even find people who will let you be you, and during these years I’ve struggled through this! I was bullied and I love telling my story because not only it helps me be stronger but helps others who are going through depression and bullying!” She started writing things about her past, going to school with people who always threw stuff at her and called her names and pushed her around like she was nothing. Cristina has inspired so many teens and is planning to start a confidence own unique style boutique clothing line!