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User:Olivia behr

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Did you know that ancient Egyptians thought that they were made from clay? Or cats were considered holy. In fact, ancient Egyptians never defeated anyone to rise to power, instead, they became the unification of egypt. Ancient Egypt was a fascinating civilization because of their geography, religion, achievements, political structure, economics, and social structure.

One of the biggest rivers is the Nile, it is 4,160 miles long and has the most freshwater fish in the world. It also goes through egypt. Egypt has hot dry summers, it gets up to 107 Fahrenheit. Unlike in the summer, in the winter it gets to 55 Fahrenheit. The natural resources are iron ore, natural gas, limestone, zink, and lead.

The religion of ancient Egypt was unhealthy, because they had over 2,000 gods and goddesses. As well as they think the universe emerges from a vast cosmic ocean of nothingness. To conclude, pharaohs would sacrifice slaves to the gods of the afterlife so the pharaohs would have slaves in the afterlife.

The Egyptians were known for their pyramids. Pyramids are tall triangles where they put their pharaohs in, if you had 50 people helping it would take 25-30 years to build. They also did mummification, mummification is were after a pharaoh dies they take out all there organs and put them in jars. Then bandage the body up and put it into a coffin. It's supposed to be that when they got their organs out they were to be in the afterlife that's why in their tombs they have good riches.

The political and social structure of ancient Egypt was like the middevils because they had kings called pharaohs the social structures went like this king/pharaoh Government officials Soldiers Scribes Merchants Farmers Slaves Slaves burly had any money or land so they had to work for the king or other people to stay alive

The goods that ancient Egypt produced were wheat, barley, and soy. Some of the jobs are farmers, fishers, slaves, scribes, traitors and more. They traited with Canaan, Lebanon, Nubia and Punt.

Sadly, the ancient Egyptians were conquered by Alexander the great in 332 B.C. Even though they contributed to world history because they developed new inventions for farming, invented papyrus paper for writing, and they figured out how to mummify


James Madison. In this essay, I will be sharing three things why he is a great president. 1- he signed the constitution. 2-he made the Bill of Rights. And 3-he was in the war of 1812

First, I will tell you a little bit about his life before being president. He was born on March 16, 1751. He loved playing chess and reading Latin and Greek literature. Although he had power he also was very small, he was the smallest president!

One of the things that he did good for America was the Constitution/the First Amendment. The Constitution was made to create a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power fundamental rights would be at risk. That is one reason why I would think that James Madison was one of the best presidents.

The second reason is he made the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is the first of 10 amendments of the Constitution,  It spells out Americans' rights to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and 

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