User:Ongmianli/Reading roles for Wikipedia edit-a-thons

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page serves as a template for potential participants and coordinators who are interested in using editing roles for Wikipedia edit-a-thons.


Before diving right into the editing process, each group should spend 10-15 minutes creating an action plan to formulate the team’s approach and outline what needs to be done to work as an efficient, effective team. Use this process to ensure that all team members understand the task at hand, know who to ask for help with a given problem, and are equipped with the necessary tools to fulfill their role. Once everyone is on the same page, the group can begin the editing process and start working together to create a comprehensive, reliable Wikipedia article.


There are a couple of suggested roles that can be used in an edit-a-thon:

Code Master[edit]

The main job of the person holding this role is to head off all things code-related and provide assistance to the Content Manager in the formatting of information for the page. The Code Master will oversee the entering of all information, references, links, etc. into the editing field and add code as needed. This role functions primarily as an aid/support system that is there to assist with code writing and proofread all code prior to final submission.

Content Manager[edit]

Using the page template, the Content Manager will systematically go through all of the information gathered for the article and assign it to the appropriate section of the page. They will then organize this information into cohesive, well-written sections with a logical flow. The Content Manager will synthesize all of the information for the page and work in tandem with the Code Master to ensure that the section formatting, references, etc. are all coded correctly.

Resource Collector[edit]

The Resource Collector is tasked with investigating to find quality information and evidence for the article. This person will collaborate with the Code Master to bolster the article’s connectivity by finding other resources/pages to link to within and outside of Wikipedia. They will also work with the Devil’s Advocate to fill information gaps with additional references/links to increase the accuracy and reliability of the final page.

Devil’s Advocate[edit]

It is the job of the Devil’s Advocate to function as a commentator throughout the editing process, and exchanging ideas with the team to appraise and address any weaknesses or biases. The person with this role will focus primarily on looking for gaps in the information and working with the Content Manager and Resource Collector to remedy these gaps with additional evidence and sources. They will also function as a reviewer at the end of the editing process, taking the perspective of a critic and looking for ways in which the article and its content could be improved/fortified.

Recording Secretary[edit]

The Recording Secretary will work closely with all four other members of the editing team to track their progress and serve as a sounding board for brainstorming/ideas and troubleshooting. This person will take notes on the main points of conversation during the initial group discussion and the strategies the group chooses to tackle the task at hand. At the end of the editing session, the Recording Secretary will report back to the event administrators on how well the team stuck to their plan of action, the levels of progress achieved within that plan, and the developments and adaptations that were made along the way.