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< User:PC-XT‎ | KIS‎ | letter





This a Keep It Simple Label to indicate your favorite letter. The following letter codes are supported:


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


a, бэ, вэ, гэ, дэ, е, ё, жэ, зэ, и, и краткое, ка, эл, эм, эн, o, пэ, эр, эс, тэ, у, эф, ха, це, че, ша, ща, твёрдый знак, Ы, мягкий знак, э, ю, я


Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιι Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσ Σς Σσς Ττ Υυ Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω
(3 variants of sigma are given for aesthetic purposes.)

See also[edit]

Latin letter codes are the same as those used in the userbox Template:User_favorite_letter/English_alphabet. Russian letter codes and target pages were taken from the userbox Template:User_favorite_letter/Russian_alphabet.