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PS1234 From Thailand

New life , New self everyday


1. non-self motivation : unpredictable and uncontrollable 2. Self motivation : controllable

Everything changes when time goes by.

1.change to + (not forever) 2.zero change (not forever) 3.change to - (not forever)

When someone tried to do good thing(s) : tried to do more + thing(s) and/or do less - thing(s).

Everyday : think more positive

If today we think negative 3 things , try to think positive more than 3 things . If today we think negative one million things , try to think positive just one million and one things . If today we can't find any positive things , today you are better than yesterday for sure. That is, the number of days you were still alive since birth for today definitely more than yesterday one day (or 24 hours , or 86400 seconds) Tomorrow and the future would be even better. Because the number of days you will be breathing are more and more. You can do more and more good things .

Always think positive !

Quit smoking

1. Get rid of cigarettes and related devices . 2. When you want to smoke , go to a shop and buy 1 pack and just smoke 1 cigarette ,discard remaining cigarettes . 3. Never bring cigarettes to your home again . 4. Go to exercise .