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Olufuko is...an ancient Ovambo tradition where young girls from the age of 12 are prepared for womanhood,marriage and pregnancy, and also made ready to take care of families.This preparation is performed by an elderly woman called the namunganga, accompanied by drumming and dancing. It is a practice that turns girls and young women into brides but with no grooms. Over the years this initiation practice has been banned by various churches, labelling the practice pagan and against Christianity.elcin condems olufuko till now

According to the ovambo tradition, none of the girls can reject Olufuko, because it is believed that rejection would bring a curse upon them. Those that reject Olufuko face misfortunes and may fall victims to unwanted pregnancies or face the death of a parent, as a result of the curse. traditionally a girl who turns down Olufuko would be manhand-led, tied up and dragged to the Olufuko homestead. Meekulu Saara Walaula, who is the wife of Ombadja Senior Chief Mathias Walaula, said the Olufuko initiation lasts for seven days and each day serves a purpose in the process.

The Processes of olufuko


ekoho The first process of olufuko when the brides' mothers prepare the fireplaces where the food of the brides-to-be is prepared. This is followed by omakunde and okambadjona this is when the parents of the brides-to-be slaughter cattle for their daughters. The fourth day is efundula (the wedding day). From that day on, the girls are officially confirmed as prospective brides. Single men and even polygamists may start to show their interest in the prospective brides, by placing jewellery or bracelets on the wrists of the women of their choice. The woman has the right to choose any of the men or to reject them all. The fifth day is called epitoletanda or the initiation day. The rituals on that day include a walk around the Olufuko homestead at night when everyone is asleep and getting back to the house through a special entrance. That night the brides sleep in ondjowo, a special hut built for them. According to the prevailing belief, pregnant brides or girls that have had an abortion can never go through the rituals and will not be able to even if they wished to, due to the influence of supernatural forces or powers. After the rituals the girls are officially prospective brides and will be referred to as such until the time that they meet a man or when they eventually fall pregnant. On the last day, the girls are then "cleansed" by rubbing their bodies with butter mixed with traditional red dye or ochre with oshifima (porridge). The butter and dye mixture is also smeared on the girls at the commencement of the ceremony. On this day, which is known as okandjibululwena, mothers and brides can leave the Olufuko homestead and go back to their homes.

Bringing back Olufuko ceremony


The Olufuko was last held 80 years ago until it was recently initiated and held by the Omusati Regional Council in conjunction with the Outapi Town Council and traditional authorities at the Outapi town in the northern region of Namibia.http://www.outapitc.org.na/about_olufuko.html

Banning of Olufuko'


Namrights which is the association of namibian human Rights said Olufuko is "discriminatory and degrading against girls". They have argued that Olufuko will contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS, dropping out of school, teenage pregnancy and promiscuity and have called it unconstitutional. They claim that Olufuko is a violation of human rights, because young girls are forced into this practice. http://www.nshr.org.na/index.php?module=News&func=display&sid=1841 People under the age of 16 are considered minors under the Namibian Constitution. Angelican Lutheran churches claim that Olufuko is against the Law of God and is punishable, they threatened that any girl that takes part in the Olufuko ceremony will be banned from entering the church, and may not be blessed by the church or even burried in a chrurch.

Why Olufuko should not be banned


Olufuko, meaning wedding in Oshiwambo, is a process where girls, as young as 14 years old, are commissioned as 'brides'. After Olufuko, the prospective bride, no matter the age, is free and ready to get a man and get married any time. Pregnancy before marriage after Olufuko is acceptable and is not a taboo, because traditionally it will not be pregnancy before marriage because once you have undergone the olufuko ceremony you are regarded as married.According to The chief of Ombalantu Tate Oswin Mukulu and the CEO of the Outapi Town Council Oswin Namakalu Olufuko is simlply a tradition like any other tradition and must be brought back. This ceremony has been initiated again inorder to remind the Ovambo nation that they have their own tradition while they are following other traditions.This is our roots and should not be let to die out.

The Founding President of the Republic of Namibia and Father of the Namibian Nation H.E. Dr. Sam Nujoma was the patron of Olufuko. One of the reason is that whenever he is addressing the Namibia nation on aspects related to traditional norms and culture, he always emphasize that “the nation without a culture and tradition is not a nation, with all the contradictions, this event was a succes and will strive to continue taking place under the slogan Our Heritage Our Pride.http://www.swapoparty.org/condemnation_of_olufuko_cultural_festival_challenged.html This cereony is well accepted by the modern Namibian girls and boys and are keen in taking place in something that they usually would only hear about and now can phisically see how it was done back then, A lot of the modern generation say they are proud to have their culture part of their lives. According to Mr O.Namakalu, Martha Lukas a 17 year old modern girl said ,she was not well informed as to when the event was taking place and the next time it is taking place she will gladly be one of the brides.

oulufuko Pictures



Nothing is more wonderfull than than being proud of who you are and where you come from, Olufuko is just a practice like all other practices that other african tribes have,Himbas, hereros,damaras all still do what has always been done years ago but the Ovambo community where so much overtaken by the European cultures that they excluded all Ovambo ancient traditions in their daily lives, bringing it back was a good way for the new generation and future generations to know who they are.There is totally nothing wrong with this practice and does not harm anyone ,no one is forced to take part,all the young girls voluntarily take part in this event.



--Paulishe200820508 (talk) 13:30, 3 October 2012 (UTC)Paulina Lukas