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Topics in Sociology


Clicks, Groups, and Subcultures of Modern Youth:


Many young people join a subculture that they identify and relate with. A person might join a subculture if they enjoy the music and/or style that is associated with the culture. Many sociologists believe the reasoning that adolescents do this is to fulfill the need of being accepted, included, and valued. Modern youth subculture by: Payton Wallace

Examples of Teen Subcultures:


With each decade, there are many different trends that follow. To try to fit in or discover one’s self, teens will follow these movements. The different subcultures can be defined through beliefs, slangs, fashions, and behaviors. Here are a few examples of different subcultures teens today may be divided into.

  • Goth
The gothic subculture began in England during the 1970s. It can be described as an offset of the punk rock genre. They mainly dress in dark clothing, wear black and white makeup, have piercings, and have dyed hair. This cultures goal is to represent darkness, depression, death, etc. 

Example of a teenager participating in Gothic subculture

  • Gamers
The gaming subculture spends great amounts of time online either competing or playing as a hobby. There are three types of popular gaming: computer gaming, collective card gaming, and tabletop/role-play gaming. Daily gamers can be from both genders. However, males make up the majority. 

Example of teenage participating in gaming subculture

  • Fandoms (Modern Fan Culture)
This type of subculture originated from the 1960s with the Star Trek fandom. Teens build communities around their favorite books, television shows, movies, music genres, etc. They express themselves through fan art, fan fiction, fan videos, and much more. 

Teenagers participation in the Twilight fandom by: Cara Gentry



http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/subcultures.html https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e68f/192970e4aae8d5882c97439fb749ceb235a2.pdf http://www.blurb.com/b/8065866-youth-subcultures https://www.slideshare.net/DeborahSeymour/youth-subcultures-2465878 https://prezi.com/o9ncd_qe-pcs/teen-subcultures/?webgl=0 http://www.gothicsubculture.com/what-is-gothic.php https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1035&context=anthos http://www.digra.org/wp-content/uploads/digital-library/12168.23066.pdf http://haenfler.sites.grinnell.edu/subcultural-theory-and-theorists/fandom-and-participatory-culture/ http://www.pewinternet.org/2008/09/16/teens-video-games-and-civics/