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Ykspihlaja (Swedish: Yxpila) is a suburb, or satellite city, of Kokkola in Finland, located next to Nuolipuro some 5 km west of the city centre.


It is somewhat mystery where the name Ykspihlaja comes from. There is a mention of places called Stor-Yxpila and Lill-Yxpila in the 18th century maps. It is known, however, that tonnage surveyor Jakob Lorenz's cottage was the only residential building until the year 1840.[1]

Ykspihlaja working-class district developed during the 20th century sprawling around one of the largest Finnish timber ports and heavy industry factory area. Specifically machine workshop and factory workers as well as roustabouts resided in Ykspihlaja with most of them being originally from nearby areas.

Nowadays Ykspihlaja is a family-friendly district, that offers a relaxed and a vibrant artivist atmosphere to its residents and visitors.

Street names[edit]

Ykpihlaja main street is Satamakatu (Swedish: Hamngatan). The streets in North-East from Satamakatu are mainly named after characters or artifacts mentioned in the national epic of Finland called Kalevala. Below is a few samples of the street names with Kalevala influences:

  • Sammonkatu (Swedish: Sampogatan), named after Sampo, a magical artifact that brought good fortune to its holder.
  • Louhenkatu (Swedish: Louhigatan), named after Louhi, the Hag of the North.
  • Ilmarisenkatu (Swedish: Ilmarinengatan), named after Seppo Ilmarinen, a heroic artificer-smith.
  • Lemminkäisenkatu (Swedish: Lemminkäinengatan), named after Lemminkäinen, usually depicted as young and good looking hero, with wavy blond hair.

The street names in South-West from Satamakatu follows more ordinary naming practice. Below is a few samples of the street names in the South-West residential area:

  • Haarukkatie (Swedish: Kaffelvägen), free English translation: "Fork Road"
  • Maitotie (Swedish: Mjölkvägen), free English translation: "Milk Road"
  • Kiulukuja, free English translation: "Pail Lane"
  • Viikatetie (Swedish: Lievägen), free English translation: "Scythe Road"

Famous people from Ykspihlaja[edit]

  • Heimo Anttiroiko (born in Himanka): famous labour-songs composer and former conductor of Ykspihlaja workers orchestra.

Leisure activities[edit]

Sport clubs[edit]

  • Ykspihlajan Reima


  • Ykspihlajan työväen näyttämö (YTN)
  • Ykspihlajan musiikkiyhdistys (YMY)
  • Ykspihlajan eläkeläiset
  • Ykspihlajan asukasyhdistys
  • Ykspihlajan työväen soittajat


  1. ^ Outi Airola, Ykspihlaja-Kirja, ISBN 952-91-8009-8, 2004, p. 17.

External links[edit]
