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== The Belval project ==

This section translated from the French Wikipedia page "Esch-Belval"

In 2001, an international urban planning contest was set up to take the best decisions about the Belval project.

After a detailed study of the projects, focused on the profitability, duration and site preparation criteria, a dialogue committee, supervised by the Ministry of the Interior, decided on 8th March 2002 to pursue the planning on the basis of the project from the Jo Coenen & Co architects and urbanists of Maastricht.

Across the different districts, the project will be able to accommodate more than 5,000 inhabitants and more than 20,000 daily users. The new urban setting extends over a developed surface of almost 1.3 million m², on 69 hectares for building. An important proportion (30 percent of the surfaces) is saved for green and public spaces.

The conditions of its implementation confer a great development potential on it thanks for instance to:

- the respect of the guiding principles formulated since the beginning by the project originators;

- the creation of a harmonious urban fabric with the municipalities of Esch-sur-Alzette and Sanem;

- an active support of the State through an important decentralization programme of administrative and other governmental functions including the implementation of an ambitious secondary and higher education policy. This policy was developed in relation to creation of the University of Luxembourg and to the vocational high school of Belval, Lycée technique Bel-Val.