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User:Peter Mercator/Draft figures

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My figures

Plainest spherical triangle
For legendre's theorem
File:Sphere geodesic 0s.svg.
File:Sphere geodesic 1sigma.svg
File:Sphere geodesic 3sigma.svg
File:Sphere geodesic 0sigma
File:Sphere geodesic 2sigma.svg
File:Sphere geodesic 4sigma.svg
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Basic geometry for a standard (ie normal tangent) cylindrical projection of the sphere
Basic geometry for a standard (ie normal tangent) cylindrical projection of the sphere
Basic geometry for a secant normal cylindrical projection of the sphere
Infinitesimal elements on the sphere and a normal cylindrical projection
Transverse mercator graticules
Geometry of sphere
The orientation of the Earth at the December solstice
Transverse mercator geometry
Spherical triangle on sphere with angles a b c.png
Sphere filled blue.svg
sphere and graticule
latitude and longitude graticule on a sphere
latitude and longitude graticule on an ellipsoid
Geodetic coordinates
Geocentric coordinates
Ellipsoidal coordinates
Ellipsoid revolution prolate aab
Ellipsoid revolution prolate aac
Angular and linear eccentricities
Ellipsoid revolution oblate aab
Ellipsoid revolution oblate aac
Ellipsoid revolution prolate and oblate
Ellipsoid revolution prolate and oblate aac
Tri-axial ellipsoid
ellipse with auxiliary circle
Ellipsoid revolution oblate aab auxiliary sphere

Other useful figures

Mercator small
The equidistant projection with Tissot's Indicatrix of deformation
The Mercator projection with Tissot's Indicatrix of deformation. (The distortion increases without limit at higher latitudes)
Lambert's normal cylindrical equal-area projection with Tissot's Indicatrix of deformation
Eckert VI
Eckert VI

Figures for Clarke and OS

Photograph of Alexander Ross Clarke
Photograph of Alexander Ross Clarke around the age of 22.
Photograph of Alexander Ross Clarke with daughters
Photograph of Alexander Ross Clarke
principal lines of spirit levelling 1860
The triangulation mesh over Britain, 1860.
Clarke figure of the Earth 1860. A projection showing the meridian arcs used in computing the shape.
Title page showing Henry James as Superintendent in 1858
Title page showing Henry James as Director in 1863
Title page showing Henry James as Director-General in 1874