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Hi everyone, am Taban Peter Samson. I am South Sudanese from YEI RIVER COUNTY, SOUTH SUDAN. I am currently living in Imvepi Refugee Settlement-Terego-Uganda. I am 19 years and Kakwa by tribe.

I have been raised by my mother since my father left my mother when I was not yet given birth to. my mother use to sell pest and pay for my school starting from kindergarten up to my primary level. She use to tell me to work hard and promised me gifts if perform best.

In my primary, I was in a refugee school in NYORI, SOUTH SUDAN-2011 where the Congolese refugee were settled with my uncles. I participated in ATHLETICS AND FOOTBALL for the school. I was doing good in both sports and academics up to 2016 when I was in Primary 6.

In 2016 when the war broke out I was taken to Democratic Republic Of Congo by my uncles where I was also registered as a refugee. I joined school, it was French. My mother was in Yei and married my stepfather and they had one child I mentioned before (Julius). Towards December 2016, she went to DRC and brought me to Uganda where I was also registered as a refugee on April 2017. We were settled in Imvepi camp.

In Imvepi Refugee Settlement, I live in Village 11, Point H, Zone 1. I live with my mother Regina Kiden and my younger brother Julius Koloboro. I am a student of Imvepi Secondary School form Four(4) this year.