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User:Petertudd/Systems processes theory

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Systems processes theory First conceptualized by Len Troncale Ph.D. when he was a professor of cellular and molecular biology at California State Polytechnic University in 1978, Systems Processes Theory proposes a general theory of systems, or systems science, based on systems processes as fundamental units. The interactions of systems processes like [[1]], self-organization, and feedback provide detailed explanations of how systems work. According to the theory, the primary task of systems science is to identify, name, and classify systems processes that exist in systems of all types and scales and also to describe their interactions with each other. The result is a system of systems processes.[1] [2]


  1. ^ Troncale, L. "Linkage Propositions Between Systems Isomorphies." In A General Survey of Systems Methodology; Troncale, L., Ed.; Intersystems Publ.: Seaside, CA, USA, 1982; Volume I, pp. 27–38.
  2. ^ Troncale, L. “Systems Processes and Pathologies: Creating An Integrated Framework for Systems Science,” INCOSE International Symposium, Volume 23, Issue 1, Philadelphia, June 24-27, 2013. Wiley. Pp. 1330-1353.

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